
发布时间:2023-04-10 05:58:27 阅读:132 点赞:0

关于”采摘瓜果蔬菜“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Picking fruits and vegetables。以下是关于采摘瓜果蔬菜中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Picking fruits and vegetables

Dear neighbors, we are very pleased to announce that o community will oze an activity for all community members next Satday. We will pick apples in a village a few kilometers away fm o town. Welcome to gather at the gate in the morning.

There is a blue bus waiting for us. O outdoor activities will last for sral hos. We will be back soon if you are interested Please register at the office before 5pm next Thsday so that we can make the necessary arrangements.

We suggest you take a hat and a pair of gloves with you. We look forward to yo joining o community office.




Now a lot of things are in the charge of dad, becse Kitty's mother's new job means that sometimes she has to work on Satdays. Once they get used to it, Kitty and Daniel don't mind that they always have a good time with Dad this Satday morning. Mom said, "there's a lot of salad in the fdge for lunch.

I want you to finish the rabbit food that the kids moan about. Daniel says I don't Want a silly, sticky salad, Kitty said, can't we have something else? They complain, but mom is already very keen on a really healthy diet. 'it's good for all of you, but if you want something hot to go with, Dad can cook you some ce, but remember, don't biscuits.

They're bad for yo teeth. They moan louder, but mom doesn't notice. Leave dad and say, it's better to do as we say.

Kitty sticks out her teeth and raises her fingers over her head like ears.' I'll be a rabbit if I eat lettuce again, Dad. She said he lghed and sent them to the garden to play while he was washing dishes. The morning passed quickly.

Daniel and Katie played hide-and-seek with the children next door, William and Sally, until it was cloudy. It was going to rain. Sally said that she came in for dessert.

Her mother gave them a plate of chocolate biscuits for them to eat. Lunch time was coming. Daniel blinked at Kitty.

They decided to go home. The rain had stopped, but the air was wet and cold, which was very suitable ng salad, Kitty ganed.




You know fruits and vegetables are good for you, but you know, it also makes you look good. People who increase their intake within six weeks pduce a healthy glow and look attractive. Scientists at the University of St.

Andrews found that eating them increased the amount of yellow and red pients in volunteers' skin. They monitored people's food intake and initially took pictes of their faces, arms and hands with a sensitive camera. Three to six weeks later, the researchers found that increasing the intake of vegetables ry day made people look healthier, and eating increased their attractiveness when their photos were rated as high in catenoids as fruits and vegetables It is well known that it can ptect cells fm pollution and UV damage, and can prnt senile diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

Howr, although people know that eating a lot of vegetables such as carts can make skin orange, people don't know that this all increase can be detected by other people, and is considered attractive. The camera meases the changes of red, yellow and bghtness of skin, and finds that there are obvious changes in people who natally increase their intake. These changes are csed by the use of light sensors It wasn't obvious for three weeks, and the researchers showed that these red and yellow hues were related to catenoids in the skin.

There are dreds of catenes, but lycopene, which makes tomatoes and red peppers red, contains beta catene in the skin colors of carts, cliflower, pumpkins and spinach. In addition, polyphenols in apples, blueberes and cheres also affect blood circulation on the skin sface.




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