
发布时间:2023-10-15 16:40:54 阅读:313 点赞:0

关于”邀请别人参加生“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Invite others to yo birthday。以下是关于邀请别人参加生初二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Invite others to yo birthday

My favote sport is football. It's a worldwide sport. Everyone knows it and many people like it.

I like it for the following reasons: first, it can fit my body. When I was young, I was often ill, but when I played it, I became stng and seldom got sick. Secondly, I like the feeling of high speed in the .

Sometimes I have to grab the ball. Then I need to run faster. I can hear the wind and feel myself running in the wind.

I feel good at the end. The most important thing is that football is my dream. I want to be a football player in the fute.

I have to work hard to impve my skills. I beli my dream will come true one day. The most important thing is the reason why I like sports.

Football is why I like football.




Dear student: I am very glad to have the opportunity to say a few words at this special and betiful moment. First of all, I would like to congratulate all the students who have succesully graduated. When you came to this school three years ago, you were still children.

You have become a student with knowledge, thinking and ambition. In these three years, you have been lghing at yo success and yo tears are the losers. Howr, no matter what You always stve forward, struggle forward in these three years, you are the fas gwing, the best three years, ry point of yo pgress is condensed teachers' sweat and parents' love, time flies three years, not only day and night, inadvertently became the past three years, can be with you is also very lucky, dear students, before the closing, we want to say, we should Remember this moment, becse it means a new life after you leave.

Anyway, we will miss you and wish you all the best. We hope you can enjoy a wonderful new life. Thank you.




I watch this is the biggest window, which is polished thugh. What I see here is the world. It is changing ry day.

New things here are being replaced. Only I, this loyal watch, is paying attention to it ry day. I hope to know that Olympic Games are passing thugh.

I am a pedestan. Many people pass here ry day, including Asians, Eopeans and old people, With children, here is the traffic fortress. I join fends fm all over the country.

I only pass by one of dreds of millions of people here. Thugh it, I go to another world. The Olympic Games is a holy land.

I volunteer this is a flat land, accompanied by the holy fire all the time. Becse it is like this, I will pay for it voluntaly. I will let my stren make this land cleaner and let people know It, also willing to sacfice for it, becse I also people here, let them enjoy this holy land, the happiness of the Olympic Games is the platform, I am the host, it built a platform for us, let the world know that it built a bdge for us, let us better connect with the world, this platform can let us display oselves heartily, I am the host here, I am pud of the East here I will let the landlord's fendship, let the guests expeence enthusia and happiness.



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