
发布时间:2023-12-03 07:18:32 阅读:17 点赞:0

关于”一段难忘经历小“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:An unforgettable expeence。以下是关于一段难忘经历小高一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:An unforgettable expeence

An unforgettable expeence in my life, there are many expeences I can't forget. I still remember what happened last year. It was tree planting day.

As soon as we got to Lu Xun Park, we went to plant trees. We started to work. Some were digging holes, others were planting trees.

We all worked hard to plant trees, becse we all know that trees are the best anti pollution agent. They are very useful for human beings. When the sun goes down, we are very tired but reluctant to go home.

We feel very happy It's my first time to do something meaningful to ptect the envinment.




After lunch, we went swimming. I talked with some students for nearly an ho without interruption. We got there by plane.

Everyone has some unforgettable expeences. Dalian is a very betiful and modern city. We all had a good time at the seaside.

O class went to a village pmary school to the students there. We went to Ocean Park by bus. I was very shy before.

We started o joney. Finally, we went back to o hotel. On the way home, we talked about school life.

We also saw dolphin performance on the bus. When I was wored about my homework at home, I not only got happiness, but also let me realize that giving is receiving Yes, we became o best fends, but to my spse, I was very glad that I finally cght up with my clasate. Last semester, my clasate Tom came to and my leg was seously injed in a football match.

A few days later, all of us were very happy. After that, he told me what the teacher tght in class. Then we had lunch in a restrant, went shopping this summer vacation and so on.

We went to o hotel where we stayed. There were many kinds of fish. I can't beli my eyes.

I went to Dalian with my family. We could see all kinds of buildings, After breakfast, we also went to some interesting and famous places in Dalian, and ed me solve my math pblems. We took some books and stationery to them.

We had a happy day. We had a happy holiday. We left Dalian.

I was deeply moved becse he had been teaching me until I retned to school. That's why we didn't feel tired I really understand that a fend in need of is a real fend. I will nr forget my first volunteer work.

We play s together. The famous seafood in China is delicious. Last summer we were very happy.

First of all, I was excited to share my effective learning methods with them I became confident. The sea was blue and the beach was golden. I had to lie in bed for o weeks.





An unforgettable summer vacation, I went to Dalian with my family. We arved in Dalian by plane. It is a very betiful and modern city.

In the morning, we can see all kinds of buildings. After breakfast, we arved at o hotel. We started o joney.

First, we took the bus to the ocean Park, where there are many different kinds of fish. I can't beli me After lunch, we went swimming. The sea was blue and the beach was golden.

We all liked it. We finally went back to o hotel. We had a good day on this tp.

We also went to some interesting and famous places in Dalian Fang, went shopping and so on. A few days later, we left Dalian on o way home. We were very happy.

That's why we didn't feel tired at all. We had a good holiday.



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