
发布时间:2023-10-29 10:40:20 阅读:80 点赞:0

关于”最美人“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The most betiful Chinese。以下是关于最美人xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The most betiful Chinese

In October, China's first manned craft was lnched fm Jiuquan Satellite Lnch Center in Gansu Pvince, Northwest China. A large amount of orange flame was emitted. The white Long March 2F cket carrying Shenzhou-5 craft and Yang Liwei, China's first astnt, flew into the sky maificently, gradually becoming a bght ball and the largest dloping country in the world China is very pud of its contbution to the exploration of outer .

At the same time, it will also become an important dving force for national economic and social dlopment. The succesul lnch of Shenzhou-5 has opened a new page in China's history, and the dlopment of China's industry will also tn over.




You'll haggle over something that's not negotiable. You like to use coupons to dve aund looking for the cheapest gas) you dve for hos looking for the best parking and take a shower at night) you avoid eating non free snacks in hotel oms (overcharged) you don't mind cwding people into a motel om. Most girls have body hair than you, if you're a man You often say "love you" and "wow." you don't want to wear yo seat belt becse it's uncomfortable.

You like Las Vegas, slot machines, and 21 o'clock. You open yo Chstmas presents very carefully, so you can reuse the paper you bought only after Chstmas. When the card isn't there, (^, ^ ^) yo kitchen There is a vinyl tablecloth on the om table.




What is the real Chinese? We now know that the real Chinese have the pe heart of wisdom and s, and people who live a spitual life. In short, the Chinese people have a real child and a mate heart of wisdom. The Chinese people have always maintained a vigous spit, the soul of the nation is immortal, and the Chinese civilization is a real moral civilization It is a kind of moral obligation.

First of all, we should recoize that it is the foundation of social order. Secondly, we should make this sense of moral responsibility succesully oained in China. All education, governance and social are for , that is, to cultivate people with moral responsibility.

All trainees and psuit of personal life are encoaged to desi and easily obey and serve the people.



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