
发布时间:2024-01-29 03:18:12 阅读:30 点赞:0

关于”保护动物“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Watch for Animals。以下是关于保护动物高一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Watch for Animals

The son ccodile, known as the Tulong, is the only ccodile in China that gws and pduces in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Oginally, there was another ccodile in China, namely, the alligator, but it has been completely extinct. Therefore, the son ccodile seems to be very precious and has been listed as a first-class ptected animal.

Its body is about meters long and weighs kg. It has yellow spots on its back and dark bwn lines on its back. Its abdomen is gray and there are all yellow spots.

Its tail has a garland of gray and black. Its li are thick and short. Its land activities are not very art.

It is very flexible to swim in the water. Its tail is a weapon for attack and self-defense. Ccodile is an ancient reptile, which has expeenced many kinds of glacial weather and ogeny in geological history, but svived.

Becse of its body shape, structe and ancient dinosas living on the earth for at least a few years, the era of the so-called living fossil dinosas has sen on the whole. In the s, it has been known that there are still a lot of ccodiles becse they have been ted and killed by people in large numbers With the increase of population, the number of alligators has decreased sharply. At present, the number of offspng ccodiles is not enough.

In order to ptect the ccodiles in the South Bank of the Yangtze River, which is restcted by Jiangsu and Anhui, China has been listed in the list of first-class ptected animals, and the research center of alligator breeding has been established in Anhui Pvince, in order to make this ancient create exist forr under the earth.




Animals need to be ptected. Animals are a waste of natal resoces in human history. Animals were killed for their f, food and movement, just becse they prnted thousands of animals fm disappeang fm the earth.

Today, dreds of animals are on the dangeus list. In the United States, these animals are considered to be in danger. Why should people care about them? Becse we need animals, becse once they disappear, there will be no animals.

They are not only betiful or interesting food, they are not just the soce of food. Every animal has its place in the balance of nate. Destying an animal can cse many pblems, for example, When farmers kill a large number of eagles, farmers' corn and grain storage is destyed by rats.

Why? Becse Eagles eat mice and mice, and there are no eagles to record their numbers, mice and mice are very lucky to repduce very quickly. Some people are trying to save animals. Some gups raise money to let people know about this pblem.

They try to get the government to ptect them thugh law Animals in danger a considerable number of countes have passed laws that phibit the killing of any animal or plant on the dangeus list, and the number of animals at sk is increasing.




Animals need to be ptected. Animals are natal resoces wasted by human beings in history. Animals are killed becse of their f, feathers, food and sports.

Only becse they prnt thousands of animals fm disappeang fm the earth. Today, there are dreds of animals on the dangeus list. Why should people care about animals? Becse we need animals It's not just the mouse that destys the food of ry animal in nate, for example, when the eagle's food and the eagle's food are destyed, it's not just the mouse's food that's destyed by the farmer's food Rats, there are no eagles to record their numbers, mice and mice are very lucky to repduce very quickly, some people are trying to save animals, some gups raise funds to let people know about this pblem, they are trying to get the government to ptect animals in danger thugh laws, quite a number of countes have passed laws that phibit the killing of any animal or plant on the dangeus list, some The number of animals at sk is increasing:.



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