英语作文微信的利与弊_Advantages and disadvantages of wechat 2篇

发布时间:2022-07-09 09:16:47 阅读:2238 点赞:0

关于”微信利与弊“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of wechat。以下是关于微信利与弊小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of wechat

As a new type of mobile chat sofare, wechat already has the functions of sending voice messages, videos, pictes and text. Tencent has than one million registered users in just over a year after it was lnched at the beginning of the year. The mic channel pvides functions such as "shake" and "meet people close to you".

You can quickly recoize strangers aund you, and many young people are regarded as "fends" Howr, this "fend weapon" is frequently used by cminals as a tool for frd, theft, and other cases. It is also a warning issued by the police to remind users of mic channel, especially young women, to be vigilant and not to trust unfamiliar "mic" fends, so as to avoid unnecessary harm.




In recent years, wechat is becoming and popular. People express themselves, exchange ideas and tranit information thugh wechat. There are many reasons why people know wechat.

Wechat is a relatively cheap way of communication, which greatly reduces the cost of calls. Secondly, wechat caters to the taste of most people. Its attractive intece and vaous functions are popular, and its convenience also accounts for its populaty.

It is available anytime and anywhere. Howr, pblems also ase. When we use wechat, o identity will be exposed.

As a result, we may have tuble, which may make face-to-face communication worse, relationships may ntually break down, but not least, o attention may be too focused on learning. There is no dou that wechat will impve over time.





In recent years, wechat is becoming and popular. People express themselves, exchange ideas and tranit information thugh wechat. There are many reasons for people to know wechat.

Wechat is a relatively cheap way of communication, which greatly reduces the cost of a phone call. Wechat is in line with the taste of most people. Its attractive intece and vaous functions are widely welcomed, and its convenience also shows its populaty.

It's rywhere and it has pblems all the time. First of all, when we use wechat, o identity will be exposed. As a result, we may have tuble, it can get us into tuble, face-to-face communication with others can make things worse, relationships may ntually break down, but not least, o attention may be too focused on learning.

There is no dou that wechat will impve over time.




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