我的校规英语作文_My school rules 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-21 05:30:04 阅读:712 点赞:0

关于”我校规“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:My school rules。以下是关于我校规中考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My school rules

My school is a very good school, but there are too many schools. We always have to wear school uniforms and T-shirts. We can't be late for class.

We must be punctual. Soon, we have to exercise for half an ho. We are too tired.

We can't talk in class. I think it's a little difficult for some students. We have to learn a lot of subjects, such as Chinese mathemati and English Science, history, geography, these subjects are bong.




In the classom, you should listen to the teacher. You are not allowed to bng food into the classom. You should keep the classom quiet and clean.

After school, you should finish yo homework on time. In school, you should wear uniform. You must ptect the plants and trees in the school.

You should get along well with the teachers and students.




"Although some people think that students should stay in their own classom ding recess, what I want to say is that we should be allowed to spend the rest time in another classom. The most important reason is that many students have fends in other classes. We spend the whole day in o own classom, and the rest time is the only one.

The time we have to spend with other fends may become bong and have to spend time with the same person. Another reason for allowing students to choose rest time is that if students are forced to spend time with clasates who are not good fends, they will annoy each other, which can lead to quarrels. Teachers think that we should all stay in o own class, becse it is easier to know what happened.

They said it was difficult to track students as they walked up and down the cordor. Howr, each student has the opportunity to choose a different classom to spend the entire recess time, which means that there will be no students in the cordor. As I explained, although it may be easier to ma ryone in their own classom, their break time will be hr if all students are allowed to choose where their time is spent.




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