3分钟的英语演讲稿大概多少字_How many words is a three minute speech 2篇

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关于”3分钟演讲稿大概多少字“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:How many words is a three minute speech。以下是关于3分钟演讲稿大概多少字小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How many words is a three minute speech

We live in a world where resoces are shared. Everyone has ghts. Everyone can fight for the ocean.

The earth is inexhstible. Let us share with the world. We are a member of the world and have the obligation to ptect him.

She is o mother. Life. A good mother.

Let us ptect her. Let us share with the world.




Sha wte a story about o fends who were cssing the desert somewhere on their joney. One fend slapped the other in the face, and the one who was slapped in the face was ht, but he didn't say anything. Today, my best fend slapped me in the face.

They kept going until they found the oasis, where they decided to take a bath and were trapped by a slap in the face He be to dwn in the mud, but his fend saved him after he recovered fm his fght. He wte on a stone: today, my best fend saved my life. The fend who slapped him saved his good fend asked him, "after I ht you, you wte on the beach.

Now," you wte on the stone, why? " Another fend replied, "when someone hts us, we should wte it in the sand, and the wind of forgiveness can erase it; but when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone, and the wind can nr erase it." Learn to wte yo ht in the sand and carve yo blessing in stone.




In the life style of happy gwth, ryone can find their own sense of happiness, and regard themselves as the enchment and impvement of students. The happiness of campus is due to the social arrangement, so that the scope of students' activities has been reduced. No one will argue that becse a person's student era is betiful and full of hope, I am leaving childhood and youth and enteng a all Life has just begun, but I sincerely appreciate gwing up, he bught me happiness, he let me gradually mate, but he gave me the way will cse a lot of oasis and ocean memoes, pmary school I was a mantic, lovely girl, the results used to stay at home, school is not natal, and very aggressive, but my nate, not by how long to adapt to old pblems When I started school, I didn't dou anything.

For example, why did I teach them and I didn't teach them? Why did the "bell" ng in my class? Why did the school let the teacher do something? These questions always revolved aund in my mind. I couldn't get d of my coage to ask the teacher for a long time. As a reward, I was cynical Trust, the retn is a "silly child, you really ask for both sides." I feel uneasy, my father came back, I have no hope, and may be cticized, I will be rejected and his ideas told the unrelenting father, let me spsed to answer my question, it is also a "natal law", I was very happy that my father solved the pblem that day Looking at these questions, how many "cticis" and "silly children" comments have bught to me, but I really feel that this is not a case in which happiness is also the cse of pde.

I was intduced in pmary school. The happiness in middle school is not reduced, but increased, such as fendship tug River competition, oral English class, student chat, etc., which makes us have a heavy learning task I find that in the school garden, I feel relaxed, especially happy. I don't know why in any case, there is a kind of motivation to work hard for me.

Just like the birds in the world flying in their own flight, the gwth is happy. Although there are some miortunes, they are getting better ry time. We are willing to have such a happy, healthy and stng gwth Be a free and useful person in the fute.



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