英语日记一天的生活_Diary of a day's life 4篇

发布时间:2022-07-02 12:15:14 阅读:161 点赞:0

关于”记一天生活“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Diary of a day's life。以下是关于记一天生活xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Diary of a day's life

In my life, I often get up at o'clock after brushing my teeth and washing my face. I go to school by bike. Fm eight o'clock, we have o classes.

Each class lasts for a few minutes. There is a minute break beeen classes. I will chat with my clasates in the school buildings.

It takes a few minutes fm school to my home. This is my schedule for school. I like to watch new stars, especially about ancient Chinese cots.

In addition, I usually bwse crent nts all over the world on the Internet. When the ning comes, I want to walk my dog into the yard above. It's just my day's life.





Yesterday, o class went out for a picnic. We had a good time, just like me. But today was a bad day.

Becse rything was not normal in the morning, my alarm clock didn't ng, so I woke up an ho late. I was in a hry. I bned my hand when I was breakfast.

Then I ran out of my house to catch the bus. This is the bus I usually take, but there is no dou about it, I missed it. I was not happy, and I was afraid, becse my teacher hated students being late, so I ran three miles to school and found no one there.

The school is quiet, but it's quiet. O classom was finally locked and I realized it was Sunday. I was such a fool.




Last Fday, I bought a second-hand bike. It looks like the last bike I was stolen last semester, but I'm glad I have another bike. It was stolen when I was in school on Sunday.

Unfortunately, I just de it three times. Unfortunately, I hate the this who stole my three bicycles. It seems that I have no ght to own a bicycle.

I bought another bike. I was disappointed.




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