
发布时间:2023-05-31 17:36:25 阅读:149 点赞:0

关于”考试作弊“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Cheating in exams。以下是关于考试作弊高二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cheating in exams

Students have been told not to cheat since the first exam. Every student will list the disadvantages of cheating. Howr, there are still a few people who cheat in exams.

Those who don't know what to learn and don't beli in luck are likely to cheat. They don't study hard in the semester. When they realize that the exam is coming, they spend most of their time sleeping or doing nothing It's too late to remember the whole semester's knowledge, so it seems that in order to pass the exam, they have no choice but to peek at other people's papers or books, or n find someone to take the exam.

In addition, the examination methods of some subjects make it easier to cheat. For example, in some papers, all the answers can be found directly fm textbooks or notes. Therefore, n if students know nothing about the subjects, they can easily get high marks by cheating.

To stop cheating is not only a teacher's file work, but also a student's file work for a teacher. They should pay attention to the of their ability to solve pblems by using knowledge, rather than mechanical memory in textbooks. For students, it is necessary to realize that cheating in exams is a shameful behavior.

The fute is full of fierce competition, and any success achid thugh cheating will not last for a long time. So let's a campus without cheating and an honest academic atmosphere for today and tomorw.





As for cheating, in my opinion, compang one's study is not conducive to o own efforts. The result is cheating. To get good grades instead of thinking it's too difficult.

It's very important to end one's fear of cheating, but the results are very good. Even if it's not a gloous student's effort to review his grades, whether you cheat is a relaxed job and , If you, you will think, therefore, rely on yo own efforts to achi good results, perhaps you will say, I did not lay a good foundation, what to do, in fact, as long as you spend time than others, or n if it is only a few minutes, then you cheat quickly, really good. My answer is "no", n if they fail, the teacher tells parents how to n scold At least some cheating is better than not being scolded.

I think it's gloous to be scolded, becse what you wte on yoself is becse you can only cheat, but you nr know yo shortcomings. Cheating has a great impact on yoself. Once you cheat, you will be despised by others for cheating.

The consequences are seous. The results of cheaters are fake. You are in this section Time learning does not understand cheating in exams will frustrate conscience, very uncomfortable, once the habit of cheating, will have adverse effects, will induce cme, so, I advise all students, please do not cheat, cultivate childhood do not cheat, gw up good grades.




With the dlopment of society, people pay and attention to education. Thousands of students have participated in vaous examinations. Howr, some students cheat in the examination, some students copy each other, some take out textbooks or reference books to copy, some copy all notes on the basis of their preparation for the exam, and some use modern communication tools such as BP and mobile phone to cheat There are three aspects: first, it will cse unfair competition; second, it will desty the creativity of those art students; third, in this case, the students who graduated fm school will not be able to meet the needs of the society.

I think there are o ways to stop cheating in exams. Second, try to let students know what kind of people the society needs and try to impve them O confidence.



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