保护朱鹮的英语作文_Protect Crested Ibis 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-23 09:28:59 阅读:287 点赞:0

关于”保护朱鹮“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Ptect Crested Ibis。以下是关于保护朱鹮高三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ptect Crested Ibis

With the dlopment of the Internet, pandas are known to and people. Now people can see live performances on the Internet. These lovely angels are favored by fans fm all over the world.

What they do in their daily life makes people lgh. No one can resist the charm of these angels. But as we all know, pandas are dying out becse they are not easy Giving birth to new babies, what's , people desty the envinment, which makes the panda lose its home.

We can do some all things to ptect them when we go to the zoo. We should not thw away the garbage and keep quiet. In order not to distb the lovely animals that we love panda, we have the responsibility to ptect them fm extinction.




Now in some parts of o country, many people cut down the trees in the forest, becse they need wood and far. The forest area is getting aller and aller. Some scientists say that there will not be a large area of forest in a few years.

The forest will disappear. It is a terble thing. Sandstorms will happen occasionally.

The weather will become hot and dry. The whole earth will become a big desert with many animals and plants Things will disappear, cps will not gw anywhere. It will be very difficult for ryone to live.

Human beings will be punished for destying the forest. Therefore, we should realize the importance of taking care of o forest. We should try o best to ptect o living envinment, keep the mountains green and the water clear and the sky blue.




Ptection of natal resoces as we all know, the earth is limited to o resoces. Howr, human beings dlop them day and night. If we continue to do so, we will run out of them one day, and then human beings will die out.

It is very important to ptect o resoce ptector, coal. Oil and natal gas are the basic resoces we rely on for svival, but if we continue to do so, we will run out of them Over exploitation, they will nr be renewable resoces, especially coal and natal gas. They are non renewable resoces.

If we do not have a reasonable utilization plan, they will soon be exhsted. We should do o best to ptect natal resoces. For example, we can use ener-saving light bulbs, use less cars, go out by bike or walk, instead of taking a car or bus.

After using water, the switch must be tned off. Therefore, it is ryone's responsibility to ptect resoces and save ener. If each of us can make a little contbution to it, o earth will have a bght fute in the fute.



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