
发布时间:2023-05-28 17:28:37 阅读:71 点赞:0

关于”给老师一封信“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:A letter to the teacher。以下是关于给老师一封信专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A letter to the teacher

Dear Miss / sir, I am very happy to wte to you. First of all, I would like to talk about my English ll. I find that English learning in senior high school is difficult than that in junior high school, but I know English is very important, so I study hard and study hard.

Secondly, I want to ask you if you can give me some advice on English learning. I am looking forward to yo letter and sincerely greeting you.




I am wting this letter to thank you for yo for my efforts. A year ago, I made great pgress in my study. My academic record is very poor.

I don't want to study, but you nr give up on me. You tell me that as long as I work hard, I will be very good. You care about my study and me a lot when I make mistakes.

You always point out and me I'll correct it. My study is much better than before. I want to express my thanks to you and hope rything goes well,.




Dear teacher: Hello, we were with you that day, you said a lot, let us moved the students cry, although you pretend to be very stng in fnt of us, but you are actually very fragile, we clearly see yo heart in tears, at the same time, you also gave us too many requirements, to be honest, I am really moved, becse you are too selfish, for my face, for the sake of "Those who don't study, mix with junior high school students" is so big that they see all their thoughts. Every student class and n the stng boys can't crying. But fortunately, we have the opportunity to repay you.

As long as we study hard and get good grades, this is the grea comfort to yo teacher. I will always remember you, You for o education (junior high school, high school, not becse of some tvial way to landslide, leading to the decline in academic performance) I will always be an unforgettable Teacher, we love you at the same time, I would like to ask the teacher you rest assed, I will not becse of other people's harasent and shake, please beli me, please students: XXX years after high school English feeling and difficult, difficult than middle school English, do not go A all school, but I know English is very important, I will make good use of the school, hope that teachers can also teach better learning methods, for example, English will have greater pgress, have greater interest in education teachers, and thank the former students for certain thanks.



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