绿山墙的安妮英文简介_Introduction to Anne of Green Gable 2篇

发布时间:2022-07-04 08:48:14 阅读:245 点赞:0

关于”绿山墙安妮简介“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Intduction to Anne of Green Gable。以下是关于绿山墙安妮简介小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to Anne of Green Gable

Last week, Anne Hathaway's official website posted a picte of her walking on the beach in a bikini. It was obvious that she was preant for a long time, which explained why she had disappeared in public for a while, which was exciting news for her and her fans, who gave her their best wishes: I'm Anne Hathaway's super fan school, and o English teacher showed us a film called Pncess Diaes, played by Anne Hathaway As an ordinary girl, she happened to know that she was born high and needed to learn to rule a country. Her lovely image ed her win fans all over the world.

Then Annie started her career tning point. She played Bkeback Mountain and devil in Prada, which made her a superstar. Annie is now a famous star in the world.

She not only has a betiful face Egg, and an excellent movie actor. Being a mother means a new chapter in her life. We are happy for her.






(caomen 有些人可能想知道为什么拖延建议对他们来说永远都不起作用,而且对于长期拖延人来说,如果还有更深层问题在手,这是一个需要解决严重问题 让,从几段开始,如果这段话对你来说太多了,那就写一段吧,坚持几句话,甚至几句话,建立一个奖励制度:人们喜欢做他们喜欢做事情,在你完成了你一直不敢做事情之后,用你喜欢事情来奖励自己,比如,在洗完衣服后,给自己半个小时绝望主妇做奖励:因为拖延者太在意别人对他们看法,所以当他们公开宣布任务时,他们更有可能完成任务,而当你完成任务时,让每个人知道你已经做了你想做“喜欢”和祝贺微博会感到非常满意。


Beijing Garden Expo Park is located in the West Bank of Yongding River, Fengtai Distct, Beijing, with a total area of hectare. Relying on the ch envinmental resoces and cultal hetage of Yongding Hebei Jinuan Expo Park, adheng to the concept of cultal hetage, ecological poty and serving the people's livelihood, sustainable dlopment and use of green technolo to build ecological restoration garden in construction waste landfill site, which is a collection of garden art, cultal landscape and cultal landscape Beijing Garden Expo Park has become the most popular theme park in western Beijing and an ideal place for vaous s. The planning layout of the park is divided into one axis and o parts.

Five parks and one axis refer to the Expo Axis. One landscape axis runs thugh the main exhibition area. Yongding tower at o points and Yongding tower in jinxiugu are the landmark buildings of Beijing Expo Park.

Jinxiugu is a model of waste utilization in Beijing Garden Expo Park. The Beijing Garden Expo Park is tranormed fm a one hectare construction waste landfill The sunken landscape valley of flowers has gardens, which can be divided into five categoes: traditional garden, modern garden, creative garden, international garden and wetland garden.



标签: 女孩英文名 

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