
发布时间:2023-04-03 00:13:08 阅读:103 点赞:0

关于”里一天计划“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Plan for the next day。以下是关于里一天计划专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Plan for the next day

The holiday has finally come, make full use of my time, I have made a plan, on the one hand, stay at home or travel, stay at home, I can learn new books for the next semester, so that I can study easily in the next semester. In addition, I can my mother do some housework to lighten her bden. I can learn a lot of things that I can't learn fm books.

On the other hand, I waste time at home and money on travel. In short, I choose either.




Pfessor Tom is going to see his students the next day, so he wte a few words on the blackboard: "Pfessor Tom will come to class tomorw." After seeing the notice, a student has the opportunity to show a sense of humor and goes forward to erase the "C" in the word "class". The pfessor noticed the lghter, tned nd, walked back, looked at the students, and then took a look at the notice wtten "C", quickly came over, wiped out the "L" in "class", looked at the stunned student, and went on his way. Pfessor Tom was going to see his students the next day, so he wte a few words on the blackboard: "Pfessor Tom is going to class tomorw." a student saw that he had the opportunity to show his sense of humor after reading the notice.

He went forward to erase the "C" in the word "class". The pfessor noticed the lghter, tned nd, came back, looked at the students, and then looked at the notice "C" erases the "L" in "class" and looks at the stunned student to continue his class.





The new semester is coming. We are standing at a new starting point and facing greater challenges. I know that this is not an easy way to go.

But once we have ed this tck, it is exciting to wait for a better tomorw after learning. In order to have a correct direction, I first desied a study plan. We must have confidence.

Self confidence is the first secret of success Whether in life or in study, self-confidence is very important. No matter what tomorw is, but today has come. It is the wisest choice to grasp this point.

No matter how big the gap beeen yoself and others is, it is a new beginning to enter the second semester. I always beli that I can succeed.



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