
发布时间:2022-12-20 11:17:04 阅读:103 点赞:0

关于”我“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My Mother。以下是关于我小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My Mother

A little boy invited his mother to attend the first teacher's parents' meeting in his pmary school. She said that she would go. It would be the first time that his clasates and teachers met his mother.

Although she was a betiful woman, he was embarrassed by the treatment. A little boy almost covered the center of her face. At meetings, the boy nr wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar.

Despite the scars, people are impressed by his mother's kindness and natal bety, but the little boy is still very embarrassed and conceals himself fm ryone. Howr, he can't hear the conversation beeen his mother and the teacher. He can't hear them say how the scar on yo face is csed by the scar on yo face.

The teacher asked his mother and said that when my son was a child, he was in a bning om becse the fire was out of contl No one was afraid to go in, so I went in when I ran to his cb, and I saw a beam come down, I put myself on him to ptect him, and I was knocked unconscious, but fortunately, a firefighter came in to save us both, and she touched the bned side of her face, and the scar will be permanent, but to this day, I have nr done it. I do it at this point In his eyes, he hugged her and felt another sense of his mother's sacfice for him. He held his hand tightly and spent the day.




My mother I have a great mother, she is very concerned about me in my life and study, she got up early to make breakfast for me when I was young, she prepared my schoolbag, but now, she tells me to do it by herself becse she thinks I am old enough, and she always checks my homework, she checks it and points out mistakes, she is very careful and s I'm a lot. I love my mother.




I have a great mother who cares about me in my life and study. When I was young, she got up early to make breakfast for me. She prepared a schoolbag for me.

But now, she tells me to do it by herself becse she thinks I am old enough to do it http://wwwadreepcn/xx/htmllcl.



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