
发布时间:2023-04-30 14:49:44 阅读:776 点赞:0

关于”夏洛特烦恼“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Charlotte's tubles。以下是关于夏洛特烦恼雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Charlotte's tubles

Email fm: zhaneng@com addressee: chlw@sinacom Topic: question date: June dear Ms. Li, I'm very happy to wte you my best wishes. Zhang Meng: Dear Ms.

Li, I'm very happy to wte to you. I have a lot of tuble these days. I have a lot of homework to do at school.

I don't have enough time to sleep. I hardly have time for sports, my fend Fends, I can hardly find time to talk or play together. When I come back fm school, I'm not allowed to watch TV, sf the Internet or listen to my favote music.

I'm wored about them. I don't know what I should do. Can you give me some advice and blessing, please.




In a continuous and instantaneous despair, I heard a cool and bght voice fm the dark pigsty: "you won't die." I really don't remember how many times I watched Charlotte's net, but I know where ry detail is. Whenr I hear the firm voice in the dark, I still can't but numb my scalp, tears. This is what happened in pig The great moment, as God said, "let the light appear" but there is no God, but Charlotte Wilb, a spider named Charlotte, agreed that she would try to save his life.

Charlotte said that each of us should remember this sentence: "I will make yo fends, you wake up, open yo eyes, you can see me." Charlotte, an extraordinary little girl Spider, but it is really a fend's trust in fendship. None of us is human. The people gw up, they will lose fends.

When I hear it say, "I will make yo fends, you wake up, open yo eyes, and you can see me." I am really shocked. I prefer to be Charlotte and trust my forr fend Wilb pig. Its soul is as pe as r If he could not be picked up by Charlotte, he would not have such a precious fendship.

Wilb was also very sincere to Charlotte. Later, he died beside Charlotte, and he still cheshed Charlotte's children, becse Charlotte used too much to weave those words. Wilb ed these children in the cold winter wind.

The fendship beeen Charlotte and Wilb is what many people yearn for They also yearn for it, becse in this society without intimate fends, some fends will ntually become o strangers becse of love, money and power. Even Charlotte's enemies will fly up and go to other places when they live a dred years old. Wilb usually stays with Wilb in the sunset Will think of Charlotte, and Charlotte together, of cose, this is the end of the book better ending, people may read a little bit of sadness, but this is the best ending.




O class did a svey to keep you wored. 50% of the students in o class are wored about their homework and study. They feel too much presse.

About 30% of the students think their parents are too stct with them. They don't often talk to their parents. The other 20% students say that they are very weak.

In terms of health, they complain that they have little time to do their hobbies or exercises. So I hope o teachers will give us less Some homework, I suggest o parents allow us to spend some time with o parents to do outdoor activities. I think o teachers should give us less homework, o parents should talk to us often.

OK, we will be hr.



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