
发布时间:2023-11-14 05:30:51 阅读:31 点赞:0



Chinese debate on "family values" most Chinese beli that the family is undergoing great changes, but their views on what this means are comprehensive. Some people think that society is heading for seous chaos becse of the loss of values such as sacfice, family loyalty and loyalty. Others beli that after a peod of tbulence, a better China is sing, and in some ways, a better China is emerging To a certain extent, with choices and matuty, there is a lot of struggle beeen traditionalists and pgressives.

The former thinks that the greedy new money culte will corde China and push China into unknown waters. They see women as ual objects, and huand and wife belittle each other. They beli that fm to is a stable and happy peod, with moral values dominant and families serving the country "The openness of the s was only reflected in the way of choosing wife and huand," said Xia Xue, a pfessor at Peking University.

"Now, when a girl meets a boy, the first question is," do you have a house? Do you have a car? " This has csed great presse on marage. For huands, I am very wored about generating income. "Pgressives think that very few Chinese want to lose their recent gains.

For example, they feel that in the past, marage was restcted by family backgund, divorce was not allowed, often n in abusive words. In the past, there was no such thing as" end of life "in the past With money, people have to rely on others. Choosing a better life is : fighting for food and shelter, says Dong Zhiying of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: "we all live together and eat at the same table.

Whether we eat salty or sweet depends on the crent supply situation. You can order yo own dishes." many Chinese people do feel that the pblem of money and culte is underestimated, but they don't want to go back to the country and eat in their pvacy In life, they feel that obsession with grades, college and work has led parents to iore the traditional emphasis on good behavior, modesty and politeness. Studies have shown that the sing lls of early ual behavior among adolescents and recent cases of age involvement in homicide cases, they want a form that bothers them.

New moral education teaches a humane social contract.




People in my hometown used to live in old houses. They didn't ptect the envinment. There was rubbish rywhere.

My hometown is not easy to access and few tousts go there. Now my hometown has spacious buildings, many people have their own cars, ryone ptects the envinment, there are green mountains, clear water and blue sky, many tousts come to my hometown for sightseeing.




Fo changes fnite ing is the busiest year in the fnite industry. Enterpses are busy lnching new pducts, dealers are busy with blasting sales pmotion, and sales personnel keep repeating investment work. Enterpses should not know how to dlop without new business, and dealers do not seem to be engaged in blasting activities.

Sales personnel and sales personnel can not reach the sales target if they do not hire suppliers I'm very busy. I hope I can get my own share of the feast. After a year of busy work, rational ysis of the ing situation of fnite industry is actually a huge change.

First, ing strate, fm personal expeence, depending on the results of data ysis, many companies used to do ing and strategic planning, and most of them are entreprenes When pfessional s rely on their personal expeence to judge, they suddenly find that they often don't sell pducts that pmise a lucrative . When they cut in, they find it difficult to make pfits. O success has not yet worked.

On the contrary, consumers are changing. We are no longer used to it. In the past, what kind of pducts did the company pvide and what pducts did consumers buy Therefore, o pduct dlopment strate is not in the , or sales in the .

In the past, o position was that I just pushed the high-end pduct line to the , or I made batch pducts and only sold in the tertiary . Therefore, o pduct positioning strate, what kind of pfit margin should I have in the , and o mament is the mament O mament is sound, emphasizing these effects.



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