
发布时间:2023-11-24 11:24:39 阅读:115 点赞:0

关于”如何种植树木“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:How to plant trees。以下是关于如何种植树木初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to plant trees

According to the following Chinese instructions, I heard that o school will welcome some Canadian students to stay here for o weeks. I want to try it first. My parents and I can speak fluent English, which is conducive to o communication.

Second, o house is big enough for him or her to live here again For a while, I live near the Huanu River. Last but not least, in my home, he or she will enjoy a lot of Chinese culte. My grandfather and her grandmother are good at wting and my grandmother is also good at Chinese painting.

I think o fends will give him an interesting and comfortable expeence. Thank you for reading in yo busy work. I hope you can agree with me yo sincety, Li Hong.




Spng is coming, the weather is warm, March is the best time to plant trees, the teacher will let us plant trees, we will take some all trees there to plant trees, we first dig a hole in the gund, and then put some soil on the gund, and then we use the soil, put the tree into the hole, fill the hole with the gwer, we finally water the tree and the soil in the hole, we need to put the all trunk Put it aund the tree so that the saplings can face the wind.




Spng is warm, and the following is the best time to plant trees: choose trees that are at least 5 to 6 feet tall according to nsery standards, choose a place with enough for ots and branches to reach their maximum size, avoid overhead and undergund facilities, prepare a planting area as deep as a ot ball, dig a hole in the middle of the heavy clay area by loosening the soil, and dig a hole at the ot of the trunk (ot Instead of planting at or below the oginal gwth ll (if the soil is very sandy), then plant in stages so that the soil at the top of the bulb does not ede or dry up. Plant the ot ball so that once the soil settles, the trunk torch uses water at the gund ll to settle the soil and remove air pockets in the planting area. Trees can bend with the wind only if they cannot stand up and cover the entire area (but not within 6 inches of the trunk) with a 2 to 3 inch cover.



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