
发布时间:2023-11-01 05:04:17 阅读:53 点赞:0

关于”灯会“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:exhibit of lanterns。以下是关于灯会专升英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:exhibit of lanterns

Toist ute recommendation of Xi'an (East Banpo Neolithic villa site of Qinshihuang Msoleum site of Huaqing Chibi mountain Lintong Museum Honenyan site scenic spot picte Xi'an toist ute recommendation (West) Qianling Museum melkutio salt msoleum Xianyang Museum Zhao Linghuo Qubing Tom biantang tumbamen temple toist ute recommendation Taiwanese water cave Apeman site sface tapanisupu Valley jinyugou Guangtai village temple Xianyou Temple Taibai Mountain toist ute recommendation Big wild goose pagoda and all wild goose pagoda.




Today is the Lantern Festival. My mother and my mother went to the temple of the town to see the lanterns. The first thing we saw was the lanterns.

There were gold and silver lanterns rywhere on the lantern doors. There were o pple mouse lamps standing on both sides of the golden lantern. We came to a huge flower lighthouse.

The lantern under the lantern was red, three stoes high, and it was very betiful. I took a closer look and tned on the lighthouse I saw my favote Lantern: a big mouse in ancient costume was standing on the golden boat with a golden one. Under the golden boat, there were animals of the elve zodiac animals.

Some of them moved their bodies and some shook their heads. Next, we would see lantern ddle lantern array, siboard lantern array, Zodiac Lantern array, array, monkey and moon lantern I'm really dazzled and happy to see all kinds of strange shapes of light array and a lamp.



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