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关于”选择朋友“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Choose fends。以下是关于选择朋友考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Choose fends

A life without fends is a life without fends. Fendship is one of the most important things in ryone's life. Therefore, I think that each of us, ch or poor, should have at least one or o good fends.

We can share time with yo fends. O fendship when we were young was pe, fresh and . I often think that I am lucky to have many good fends My best fend is XX.

We gw up together. When I want to talk, she will listen to me. When I cry, she will wipe my eyes.

She will sing birthday song for me on my birthday. She will encoage me when I lose confidence.




As the saying goes, "shang weal and woe" plays a very important le in o daily life. Howr, how to make fends is a pblem for most of us. For me, I first have three pnciples to choose fends.

Good fends should have their own pnciples. We should consider that people who adhere to the pnciples have high quality. Therefore, it is worth fends with them Yes.

Well, I would like to point out that good fends should be full of trust, such people have a pe heart, and finally, active fends are like betiful sun, which can light up o melancholy mood, dve away the dark clouds, and give us coage. Fends with the above three charactesti will be o great wealth. You should check yoself to see if there is any pblem with yo personality, maybe you There are some social flaws, such as snobbery, talkative and slang, that, whatr yo social weaknesses are, will dve yo new fends away, look at them honestly, and try to correct them 13tobe fendly, you must feel fendly and happy.

Happiness is the basis of fendship. A happy person's ile is a maet. It can attract people to someone, and you will almost certainly get a ile A fendly person will try to make a stranger feel at home, no matter where he is, as long as he is willing to stand in other people's position and make them feel welcome 13tryto remember their names, which will make yo new fends happy.

When you call their names, it will make them feel that they have made an impression on you, which means a lot to them Remember them for you. If you don't agree with others on something, you should be very fendly, but the point to be discussed is that if you argue too much, you will always lose fends; a fendly person will think of others instead of insisting on his "ght". Those who refuse to consider others have few fends.

Don't treat their true fends only according to their social status Good people always respect ryone.


俗话说“患难与共”朋友在我们常生活中起着非常重要作用然而,如何结交朋友对我们大多数人来说都是个问题,对我来说,我首先有三个原则来选择朋友,应该有自己原则我们应该考虑到坚持原则人都有很高素质,因此,和他们交朋友是值得。那么,我想指出是,应该充满信任这种人有一颗纯洁心,最后,活跃朋友就像美丽阳光,可以照亮我们忧郁心情,驱走乌云,给我们勇气;拥有以上三个特点朋友将是我们巨大财富,你应该一下自己,看看你格是否有问题,也许是你有一些社交缺陷,比如势利、健谈和使用俚语,无论你社交缺点是什么,都会把你新朋友赶走,诚实地看着他们,并努力纠正他们 要友好,你必须感到友好愉快愉快是友谊基一个快乐人微笑是一块磁铁,它能吸引人们对某人,你几乎肯定会得到一个微笑回报 一个友好人会尽力让陌生人有宾至如归感觉,无论他在哪里,只要他愿意站在别人位置上,让他们感到受欢迎 试着记住他们名字,这会让你新朋友感到高兴当你叫他们名字时,这会让他们觉得他们给你留下了印象,这对他们来说很有意义,因为你记得他们,如果你不同意别人在某件事上,你应该表现得很友好,但要讨论是,如果你争论太多,你总是会失去朋友;一个友好人会为别人着想,而不坚持自己“权利”那些拒绝考虑别人人几乎没有朋友,不要只根据他们社会地位来对待他们真正友好人总是尊重每一个人。


As the saying goes, shang weal and woe, fends play an important le in o daily life. Howr, how to make fends is a pblem for most of us. For me, I first have three pnciples for choosing fends.

Good fends should have their own pnciples. We should consider that people who adhere to the pnciples have high quality. Therefore, it is worth fends with them.

I would like to point out that good fends should be full of trust. Such people have a pe heart, so we can finally communicate with o hearts. Positive fends are like betiful sun, which can illuminate o melancholy mood, dve away dark clouds and give us coage.

Fends with these three charactesti will be o great wealth.




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