
发布时间:2023-05-17 02:00:43 阅读:175 点赞:0

关于”给学校提建议“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Give advice to the school。以下是关于给学校提建议xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Give advice to the school

My fend Fong had a fight with her parents yesterday becse her parents didn't allow her to watch midnight movies. Their parents insisted that watching midnight movies would affect her sleep and health, but Fong said that she had gwn up and didn't need her parents to tell her what to do or not to do. Did I tell Fong whether I could fully understand her opposition to parental contl.

Teers like us often disobey their parents, and watching midnight movies once would not cse seous health pblems 。 Howr, we should also understand that her parents, out of their love for their children, prnt her fm going to the movies. They try to ptect her fm any potential dangers bught about by midnight movies. So I suggest that if she really wants to go, she can certainly try to have a good talk with her parents and tell them that she wants to go with her fends and make se that she doesn't go to the midnight movies often.

So can she To leave her fend's phone number to her parents in case they can't get in touch with her.




Now English is becoming and important. There are many different ways to learn English well. For example, these are the ways I learn English first.

We must make up o mind to learn English well and nr give up. Second, we must finish all the homework that the teacher told us on time. We should read some English books and buy some exercises to study.

When we encounter some difficult pblems, we can ask o clasates or teachers not to be afraid of mistakes. We must insist on these ry day.




Before enteng the library, you should take off yo shoes and put them on the shelf outside the library. You must keep quiet. Anyone who violates the regulations will be advised to leave the library and play in the library.

You are not allowed to eat and dnk. The resoces of the library can not be taken away without borwing. Books not belonging to the library are not allowed to enter the library.

Personal belongings can be put on the bag rack to do homework in the library. All stationery is not allowed to be taken into the library except for the stationery required for data collection, and the library card of others shall not be lost. The library card shall be reported to the library teacher and applied for replenishment of books.

All stationery bags and books not belonging to the library are not allowed to be in the library It is not allowed to lose or damage the homework in the library. Before enteng the library, the library should pay the full resoce fee. Books should be retned on time.

Anyone who violates this regulation should report to the library teacher immediately and apply for a replacement of the library card. Unless under very special circumstances, the borwing person must keep silent in the library. Food and dnk mateals that should not be bught into the library are not allowed to be in the library, except for personal s that need to collect information, they can be put on the bag rack All the resoces in the library can not be taken away without borwing, and playing in the library is not allowed.

Shoes should be taken off fm the late luggage and putting on the luggage means a fine.



标签: 小孩英文名  宠物英文名  QQ英文名 

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