
发布时间:2023-05-27 07:53:53 阅读:161 点赞:0

关于”以月光族为题“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:On the topic of moonlight family。以下是关于以月光族为题xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:On the topic of moonlight family

Nowadays, and people, especially young people, join the army of the moonlight clan. They are exhsting their income ry month, but they have no savings. Many people think that this is a fashionable way of life.

While others oppose this consumption mode, those who support the Moon Clan think that the moonlight clan knows how to enjoy life and have a higher quality of life. Howr, some people cticize the Moon Clan. They say that the consumption habits of the moonlight clan are unhealthy, sometimes n wasteful.

Without savings, the moonlight clan will not get into tuble I prefer the latter. Although the moonlight clan can get temporary satiaction fm consumption, it is not conducive to their family and career in the long run. A person should take prections.

They are typical white-collar workers with stable jobs and high salary. Howr, they usually don't have enough money to spend before they get the next month's salary Frugal, n ask their parents or fends for . If other people don't them, they may be eager to perform for a few days.

Some people represent Yuesheng. They chesh their personality, their independence and so on. Bee of the special charactesti of Yuesheng, they often lead fashionable life and lead the most important way of life.

As far as I know, moon sisters are not great We should learn fm a good example, save money and donate money like this. In short, we should not be sister-in-law.




Nowadays, and people, especially young people, join the ranks of the moonlight clan. They spend all their income ry month without saving up. Many people think that this is a fashionable lifestyle.

While others oppose this consumption mode, those who support the Yueguang clan think that Yueguang people know how to enjoy life and have a higher quality of life. Howr, some people cticize the Yueguang people It is said that the consumption habits of the moonlight clan are unhealthy, sometimes n wasteful. Without savings, they will not get into tuble.

In these o arguments, I prefer the latter. Although the moonlight clan can oain temporary satiaction fm consumption, it will be detmental to their family and career in the long run. A person should prepare for a rainy day.

They are typical white-collar workers and stable They have to economize on food and clothing, and n ask their parents or fends for . If others don't them, they may be eager to perform for a few days. Some people represent the se of the month.

They chesh their personality, their independence and so on, bee the moon ses in a special way Charactesti, as far as I know, they often lead a fashionable life, leading a major lifestyle. The month is not very good. We should learn fm good examples, save money and donate money like this.

In short, we should not be lunar men. Good luck.





In o society, there are a all number of people called "moonlight clan". They spend all their income ry month and have no intention to save money. Some people think that this is a fashion, while others are against it.

Those in favor of this consumption concept point out that the moonlight clan gives them opportunities to enjoy life and live a high quality life. Howr, the opponents think it is not rational The concept, bee those who are known as the moonlight clan may not have, in addition, this consumption habit to a certain extent focuses on luxy and waste Consideng these o views, I tend to agree with the latter one. The life of the moonlight clan is relatively luxuous and of high quality.

Howr, they may lack a sense of secuty, especially in rainy days. Therefore, I still advocate that we should keep some money at any time, so that we will not be too difficult in rainy days.


我们社会上有一小部分人叫“月光族”,他们每个月都会花光自己收入,也没有存钱打算,有人认为这是一种时尚,另一些人则反对,赞成这种消费观念人指出,月光族让他们有更多机会享受生活,过上高质量生活,然而反对者则认为这不是一种理观念,因为那些被称为月光族人可能没有除此之外,这种消费习惯在一定程度上偏重于奢侈和浪费 考虑到这两种观点,我倾向于同意后一种观点,月光族生活比较奢侈,质量也比较高,但是他们可能缺乏安全感,特别是在雨天,所以我还是主张大家应该随时留点钱,这样我们在雨天也不会太困难。

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