
发布时间:2023-12-19 12:22:51 阅读:25 点赞:0

关于”写时候描述小说故事中内容时是用...“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:When I wte, I use。以下是关于写时候描述小说故事中内容时是用...xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:When I wte, I use

I'm the only child in my family, so my parents gave me rything. I'm very grateful, but I want to do something for them. I want to know what I can do for them.

They are very happy that my mother asked me to her with her housework, and my father asked me to watch football s with him.




It's a spsing fact that what many people fear most is speaking in public, almost as much as going to a dentist's office. It seems that many people cnge at the thought that they will become the main attraction in fnt of many people. This fear may exist becse speaking in public can make us vulnerable.

We have been exposed to a gup of people for a peod of time. They have looked at us and listened to us. Fear of faile may be real fear.

We are afraid to make a fool of oselves in fnt of others, so we prefer to avoid it. How can we overcome this fear? Let me suggest ways to realize that you are just as important that ryone you speak to is a unique creation, with the same talents and skills as ryone else.





When people are in a bad mood, they will get angry. When their family members or fends talk to them, they will bng bad mood and say dirty words to their dearest ones. This is not a wise choice for people to vent their bad mood, becse when they calm down, they will regret what they have done to their family and fends.

Sometimes, harsh words like sharp knives stab people Therefore, when we are angry, we should learn to contl o emotions. It is easy for us to say htful words, which makes o loved ones suffer n if they apologize, but the pain still exists, just like a bken r, which can not be completely repaired. Therefore, when we are angry, the best way is to keep silent and don't do stupid things.



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