
发布时间:2023-10-24 07:10:26 阅读:39 点赞:0

关于”保护鲸“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Whale ptection。以下是关于保护鲸初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Whale ptection

The blue whale is the largest animal in the world. Now the largest place to capte the blue whale is this m long blue whale near the Falklands in the Atlantic Ocean. It weighs tons, which is about tons heavier than its tongue.

Its heart weighs about kg, its lung weighs about kg, and its total blood weight is about tons to tons. Its inines are half a mile long. Such a big body can only live in the vast ocean.

The whale is a kind of excellent water Chinese singers, when "singers" push "humpback whales", biologists look for the sound of "humpback whales" fm the bottom of the United States to yze and find a very special sound sial. It tns out that these "humpback whales" send out a sees of betiful sounds, and the sounds are gentle and vaed. These sounds last for sral minutes.

Then, fm scratch, they judge the sweetness of human beings in terms of rhythm Whales traveling in the sea have nr lost their usefulness. All whales are very good. Now many whales are dead, so human beings will be abandoned.

We need to ptect whales. So they continue to breed healthy habitats and let people advanced equipment according to their own interests. Whales are human fends.

Why should we touch them? Yes, I have one here Point information: whales can't get lost when they travel on the sea. Whales are a good person. Now there are a large number of dead whales, so that human beings are discarded.

We need to ptect whales, let them continue to suffer fm habitat breeding, and let people advanced equipment according to their own interests. Whale fish are human fends. When whales sleep ry day, they always have sral heads together, if there is a sound If so, the whales that they're scattered can live for decades or a centy.




Nowadays, whales are in danger, becse many countes are extinct in order to ptect the earth and the ocean, especially the biodiversity. We must realize that if whales die out, we should take effective meases to ptect them. This will also have an important impact on other animals in the ocean, and the envinment will change.

I sincerely hope that we can work hard to save them.




The existence of the ocean enables the formation, gwth and repduction of the first life. The ocean s atmosphere, weather and climate. They pvide ch life for the world, most of which pvide transportation, food, medicine and entertainment for human beings, while other species can enjoy the benefits of the ocean.

Human beings have become so widespread that they are disconnected fm the world nd them in a short time Woodward, although the oceans are meased in billions of years, and humans in the past 15 years have counted in years or decades, human activities have csed a considerable pportion of deaths. Due to the bning of fossil fuels and the dumping of wastes into the ocean, mane chemicals are becoming dangeusly acidic and may cse irrrsible extinction Howr, until the end of the centy, the shared goal of global warming can only be achid by pviding a shared solution to global warming.



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