
发布时间:2023-04-30 03:03:06 阅读:553 点赞:0

关于”天气“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Weather in China。以下是关于天气专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Weather in China

There are red clouds in the East. It rained the next day after the storm. It was calm after the dark clouds.

All the clouds didn't bng storms. Don't worry about all the clouds didn't bng storms. What's in the wind? There are cats and dogs before sn o'clock.

I found that n if a good winter bngs a good summer, tall trees can catch a lot of wind.




A tp to Shanghai, we know, Shanghai is a famous financial center of China, it is also a great place to spend the summer vacation. I went to Shanghai with my family, we went there on the high-speed train, we had a lot of fun, we saw the Oental Pearl Tower, we took pictes of animals in Shanghai wild animal zoo, we went to the Bund is a lot of weeks. Yes.

As the name card of Shanghai, we ate the famous Nanshan crab glutinous ce balls. We also visited the Old City God Temple in Shanghai. We had a great time.

This tp was really great. I will nr forget it is Tmall..




The weather is really bad these days. There is fog and fog in the air, so we can't see far things ry morning. When I open the ctains, I can only see buildings dozens of miles away when I go to school.

I must be very careful when I css the ad. The air is dirty becse of the fog and haze. I n have difficulty breathing.

My mother asked me to wear a respirator and I did what she said Becse of the bad weather, accidents happen frequently. I hope dvers can dve carefully and ense safety. Today's weather is really strange.

It's cloudy in the morning or at 6:00 p.m., and the sky begins to float to the water. A layer of mist covers the mountains fm a distance. I think that the hozon is hazy in five minutes.

When I look down at the window in the distance again, I accidentally find the beads on the window It's granular and thin. Every dp of water contains a cloud of black dust and all particles. I'm spsed that when we go to the distance, the high-se buildings seem to be covered with a soft white yarn.

The neon decorated bbons and the ethereal parking lot also tn on the fog lights. The lights are like a bunch of light. It's very betiful.

The fall outside the window is and . Slowly, the water dps It's so quiet and betiful that I can't but be deeply attracted. Just when I was engaged, a flash of lightning flashed acss the sky, accompanied by tder and lightning, and the cats and dogs were raining cats and dogs.

The rain dps hit the glass, and the dust could be washed away. It's just the fog, which is blowing no shadow. Hey, this is not to say that the haze phenomenon in nate books has bught thick "100000" to the home Why? "Ha ha, finally found that this is becse there is a large amount of oke suspended in the air.

Dust particles meet water and form, which makes the vision blred, leading to the decrease of visibility. No wonder there are tiny spots of glass particles. It tns out that it is dust in the air.

Becse the air pollution ratio is seous, there are haze weather and harm. Sometimes the car can't dve and the plane can't Landing, reduce haze weather, we should ptect the envinment, trees, grass, impve air quality, for the benefit of .



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