我的爱好英语作文100字_My hobby is 100 words 2篇

发布时间:2022-07-07 04:20:58 阅读:129 点赞:0

关于”我爱好100字“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:My hobby is 100 words。以下是关于我爱好100字xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My hobby is 100 words

If someone asks me what my hobby is, I will definitely answer and sing what I like to sing. As long as I can follow this song for five or six times, I have started to like singing sn and a half since I was old. I fell in love with singing, n the toilet, they also sing, almost a lazy old song.

I like my wish is that when I become a singer in the fute, my mother will live in a good house This is my wish, a wish. Although the ad in the fute is very difficult to walk, I will work hard towards my goal as a singer.




Today I went fishing. My bther and I went fishing. It was very interesting.

Especially when we cght a fish, fishing needed a lot of patience. Becse it took a long time to catch a fish. We prepared some baits and then put the fishing d in the water.

I didn't have much patience. I often looked at the fishing d. My bther told me not to do so, otherwise I would nr catch any fish again.

My bther is good at fishing. He fished five fish, but I couldn't catch any. I was a little upset, but my bther told me that I could go fishing with him next time.




As we all know, I like playing basketball. Playing basketball is good for o health. For me, I like playing basketball.

You know, playing basketball is good for o heart, lungs and head. So I always play basketball in the morning and at night, "where there is a will, there is a way". Not only my teachers and clasates like me very much, but also I am in good health.

I like basketball than r Ball, you can see, when I am angry, I will play basketball, then, I may be very happy that I like playing basketball. What's yo favote sport? My favote hobby is playing basketball on weekends. I usually play basketball with my fends.

It's fun to play basketball. I think playing basketball can make us stng. When we play basketball, we can make many fends.

I like Yao Ming very much. He is a basketball player. I hope I can become a basketball player who likes playing basketball.



标签: 宠物英文名 

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