
发布时间:2023-11-16 15:50:48 阅读:71 点赞:0

关于”人际交往“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Interpersonal communication。以下是关于人际交往xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Interpersonal communication

In the 21st centy, human beings are in an era of information and knowledge. In such an era, interpersonal communication plays an increasingly important le. All people have to communicate with others.

Why is interpersonal communication so important first? Secondly, to people understand each other better. It s people get information and knowledge. Thirdly, without interpersonal communication, o life is the most important It will ntually become a desert of emotion and fendship.

The communication beeen people makes o life lively, interesting and lovely. As a social animal, human beings must communicate with each other. This is very important.

Why is interpersonal communication so important? Interpersonal communication is like a bdge of understanding beeen people. If one can communicate with teachers and colleagues in the family, it is very important to communicate with each other More fendly communication beeen employers and employees s to a effective working and family communication.




With the dlopment of society, the relationship beeen people has become inevitable. As long as people communicate with each other in the world, interpersonal relationship becomes and important. First of all, good interpersonal relationships pmote people's success in human history.

We can conclude that no one can do rything well and succeed alone. Most great men have good relationships. Becse many people, relationships and their abilities are as important as their success.

Maintain good interpersonal relationship, when people encounter difficulties, it is easy to get fm others, that is to say, excellent interpersonal communication skills to eliminate obstacles on the way to success, good interpersonal relationship can people live a happy life, live in a harmonious envinment, people need to maintain good relations with people nd them, people will form a happy atmosphere Make people work efficiently and keep a good mood in their daily life. People will ntually get happiness. To sum up, interpersonal relationship is so important to people's success and happiness.

I advocate that people get along well with others first and foremost, ile ry day.





My fend Zhang Dong is my best fend. He entered o class last semester. He is a boy.

Both of us are good at English. So we often chat in English in o spare time. We often play football together on the playgund.

He runs so fast that I can't catch up with him. He is an excellent student. He is not only good at all subjects, but also very kind and modest.

He likes pop songs as well as classical music. There are three people in his family. He is the only child.

His father is a doctor and his mother is his mother. Zhang Dong is a Beijing Opera actor. Although his family is ch, he usually wears clothes and has a dream of becoming a lawyer.

He is my fend, a clr and kind boy, highly praised by teachers and students.





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