
发布时间:2023-12-24 11:29:10 阅读:292 点赞:0

关于”喜欢人物“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Favote movie characters。以下是关于喜欢人物雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Favote movie characters

When I saw the movie spider man, it left a deep impression on me. The is handsome and brave. He s so many people who need .

If we are him, can we satize o love and fendship, n o study, those who are in tuble for fear of ing others. Although we can't use special abilities like Peter, we can also try o best to people. For example, if we see some this steal goodbye People's wallets, we can shout for the this to hry up.

If we can contbute o love, o society will become and warm, get along well.




Charlie and his chocolate factory. I love Charlie and his chocolate factory. It's a very interesting movie.

The characters in the movie are lifelike. They seem to be set up with reality. But this story is about Willy Wonka who has a chocolate factory.

Becse he is old and doesn't want to run it, he set up a competition and won the pze that human beings may ntually own this factory Charlie won, so Charlie got the chocolate factory.




My favote movie Spiderman left a deep impression on me. The Peter is handsome and brave. He s a lot of people who need .

If we are him, can we sacfice o love and fendship, n o study, for those who are afraid to others in tuble. Although we can't use o specialty like Peter, we can also try o best to others. For example, if we see some this steal other people's wallets, if I We can contbute o love, we can shout, let this hry, o society will become and warm, people can get along with each other.



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