慰问信的格式_Letter of condolence 5篇

发布时间:2022-07-11 09:12:06 阅读:176 点赞:0

关于”问信“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Letter of condolence。以下是关于问信高一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Letter of condolence

A letter of condolence to the parents of the Columbia astnts. I'm a student fm China's X Middle School. My name is Li Ming.

When I learned fm the TV that the shuttle Columbia disintegrated ding re-entry into the atmosphere, all sn astnts lost their lives. You must be very sad to lose yo lovely sons and dghters, but you must also be sorry for you Children are pud, becse they have made great contbutions to the pject, so please restrain yo sadness although they steal this time, we can learn some expeence fm their faile. We will continue to dlop the pject, becse we can search information about Cylon thugh these pjects, and they have not done yo best Li Ming 20.


致哥伦比亚号航天员家长问信亲爱哥伦比亚号航天员父母我是一名来自X中学学生我叫李明当我从电视上得知航天飞机哥伦比亚号在重返大气层时解体,七名宇航员都失去了他们生命你失去了你可爱儿子女儿们你一定很伤心,但是你也必须为你孩子感到骄傲,因为他们为太空项目做出了巨大贡献,所以请克制你悲伤 虽然这一次他们偷窃了,但我们可以从他们失败中得到一些经验我们会继续发展太空项目,因为我们可以通过这些项目和搜索更多关于赛昂,他们没有做过你谨致 李明二十。


Dear Bob: I'm sorry to hear that you are sick in o daily life. You give us too much love and care, and sometimes n iore yoself. It is becse of yo hard work that we can make continuous pgress.

The students in each class are looking forward to yo recovery as soon as possible when you are not there. We all miss you very much becse you are not only a teacher, we all love you and hope you can recover soon. Li Hua, I wish you a speedy recovery.




When Alice learned that John was ill and in hospital, she expressed her concern. Alice told John that since you are in the hospital, you don't need to worry about yo work, you should relax, so that we can recover quickly. We are thinking about him and wish him a speedy recovery.

If there is any need for , though it is in good order, don't worry.



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