
发布时间:2024-04-06 01:11:06 阅读:9 点赞:0

关于”一次难忘课“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:An unforgettable lesson。以下是关于一次难忘课高一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:An unforgettable lesson

Lao Ba came to put dumplings into Siwan, and in each bowl he took some soup to his mother, which was just enough to contbute. I had already eaten a bowl with relish. I was so excited that I felt that we all wanted to eat a mouthful of oil, and then happily saw the wonderful TV.

It was a happy Spng Festival.




This morning, I had an unforgettable english class. When the bell rang, o history teacher came first. He said that he would ask us some questions.

As soon as people who have not been asked recently heard this sentence, they will ask first. I am very happy bee someone asked me a question a week ago, so I don't have to worry about anything. Unfortunately, I was asked again, but in the end, I still blushed and couldn't answer this question.

I had to ask The teacher said, "I'm sorry. The teacher didn't cticize how shy I was after class. I thought and thought, and finally realized that I should make good use of my time and nr put off what I can do today until tomorw.".




What is happiness (Kaiser an emotion is a stng feeling, happiness is one of the many emotions that human beings expeence. It may be the most important feeling that a person can have, and it is also a feeling that ryone is trying to achi. But strangely, in most cases, people seem to see only its gratifying satiaction.

Happiness and satiaction are among happiness The pminent element of happiness, formally, happiness, is a good sense of well-being. Its charactesti are fm satiaction to intense joy. Almost ry enjoyment of happiness, the joy of life, the behavior and achiment of happy people can be defined and descbed in vaous ways.



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