
发布时间:2023-06-23 11:21:46 阅读:925 点赞:0

关于”我未来职业护士“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My fute pfessional nse。以下是关于我未来职业护士xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My fute pfessional nse

My ideal job I am a 14-year-old boy, a middle school student. Although we are all students now, I beli ry student can say his or her ideal job. My ideal job in the fute is to be a doctor.

I want to be a famous doctor in the fute. I like to patients and make them healthy. The doctor's work will be very busy but interesting.

My teacher said that I am good at biolo and Han But I still need to impve my English, then I can read English medical knowledge and patients fm all over the world can get my .




2:我未来职业护士,Nses are the most betiful pfession in the world. No matter how dirty and tired the patients are, they will show their enthusia and patience with a bght ile, support the patients, and make them feel warm and ful with careful and thoughtful care. The patio's condition is getting better and healthier.

I want to give my support to those patients who need , just like those nses Spread my warmth. I beli that I will become a nse, not only to patients alleviate physical pain, but also to them alleviate mental pain.




3:我未来职业护士,My fute job when I gw up, what do I want to do? Some people want to be a doctor, some people want to be a basketball player, becse they are good at sports, some want to be a wter, some people want to be a teacher becse they like to teach children, I like playing piano, I am good at piano, so I want to be a piano player. Piano is very interesting, you can learn some music Playing the piano can make you like music. Many musicians and singers like to play the piano.

I played the piano when I was ten years old. Now I'm in my fifth year. I hope that when I'm

16, I can become the top eight.

It's and difficult to practice piano. It's a very difficult job, but I beli I can do it.



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