
发布时间:2024-01-20 10:15:29 阅读:220 点赞:0

关于”邀请朋友来新家“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Invite fends to a new home。以下是关于邀请朋友来新家八级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Invite fends to a new home

Dear XXI, I am wting to thank you for inviting me to yo hometown. I have a great time there. I appreciate all you have done for me.

I enjoy the delicious food and the mountain climbing. When we are together, I feel very happy and happy. It is an unforgettable expeence.




2:邀请朋友到新家,The above statement is too bad, but "anyone" covers all the people in the world. Some people's reputation is only impved by media censorship. Some people's reputation is already very poor, and media censorship can not fther weaken it.

It is likely that some people have not done anything wng in the past. At least the media can find that the reputation of the media will not be reduced by the censorship of the media. In general, the status of "anyone" reported by the media will be tarnished, which means that the reputation of ryone in the world will be damaged under the supervision of any type of media - children, especially those who are Kids who don't know anything about newborns.




3:邀请朋友来新家,Last month, my family lived in a new high-se building in Pudong. The house is much bigger and bghter than the old one. It has three bedoms, o bathoms, a living om, swing and a large balcony.

I'm very happy to have my own bedom in fnt of the building. There is a big garden. There are many tall trees and betiful flowers in the afternoon.

Many children like to play s there.




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