
发布时间:2023-05-13 15:27:17 阅读:81 点赞:0

关于”用写明星“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Wte stars in English。以下是关于用写明星高二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte stars in English

Twins Choi and Cg look like ins, but in fact, they come fm different parts of the world. They are bught by the Hong Kong impeal Entertainment Gup (EEG). They are named "ins".

Since then, they have become the first choice of EEG's new star competition. They have become one of the most pmising pop duo gups in Hong Kong and will join the fight in May In the ranks of , they donated Hong Kong dollars to Hong Kong middle school students fight against fatal diseases. The middle school students love ins and accept girls as one of them.

The betiful young couple gives people a sense of happiness. When they sing popular songs, they are pe and . "When we are together, we can understand each other and cooperate very well.

We are good sisters. We hope we will nr be separated." Cui AI of Canada said that Cui AI, who was born in Hong Kong and studied in Australia after studying in high school, liked singing, shopping and watching movies. In the past o years, they have released eight albums, including ins, magic album and touch of love.

They mainly sing about love, peace and fendship. Their healthy, energetic and unique images attract many people Crazy young fans ", Keizo of Epson Hong Kong Ltd Kitahara said that "popular girl" won the most pmising singer award in Hong Kong in, and was selected as the best pop gup last year. Twins not only became famous in the music industry, but also be to attract attention in the film industry.

Although their starng "in effect" and international superstar Jackie Chan are still very popular, they all hope to continue to learn, "you will nr stop learning", it is said Sarsins ins inssagill Choi: "Cg Gillian Cg" inssagillian Cg inse.


双胞胎双胞胎蔡卓妍和钟欣桐看起来很像双胞胎,几乎没有什么区别,但事实上,他们来自世界不同地方,是由帝王娱乐集团(eeg)带来,取名“Twins”,从此成为eeg当年新星大赛首选,他们已成为最有前途流行双人组合之一,并将于xx月加入抗击行列,他们捐出港币,帮助中学生抗击致命疾病,中学生爱双胞胎,接受女孩为其中一员,美丽年轻一对给人幸福感,他们唱流行歌曲时纯真和纯朴,“我们在一起,就可以互相理解,合作得很好,我们是好姐妹,我们希望永远不会分开,”出生在加拿大崔说,岁崔爱唱歌、跳舞和设计,出生于,后留学澳大利亚高中时她喜欢唱歌、购物、看,近两年来,他们发行了《双胞胎》、《神奇专辑》、《爱触碰》等8张专辑,主要唱是爱、和平、友谊,“他们健康、活力、独特形象吸引了众多疯狂年轻粉丝”,epson hong kong ltd.keizo kitahara说,“人气女孩”于年获得最有前途歌手奖,去年被选为最佳流行组合,ins不仅在音乐界声名鹊起,但他们也开始在界引起注意,他们主演《双胞胎效应》与国际巨星成龙虽然仍然很受欢迎,但都希望继续学习,“你永远不会停止学习”,据说蔡卓妍双胞胎ins ins inssagill choi:“cg gillian cg”Twinssagillian cg Twinsemazing专辑,爱触动爱普生Keizo kitahara ins ins。


Dear Mary, this is mainly to tell you my new address on Bmese ad in London, London, UK has not heard fm you for a long time, Amy Lee, please wte to me as soon as possible, let me know 2 / Stamford street, you do love by the park, Amy London XXX stamps Hi, Mary, OK, we are in heaven, this is a wonderful holiday for both of us. We were so excited last night that we didn't go to bed until early in the morning. We'll be back in a week.

Goodbye, Amy Lee 2 / Stanford de Saint Amy and Peter Park side XXX SA London.



再见,艾米李2/斯坦福德圣艾米和彼得公园赛德XXX SA伦敦。

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