
发布时间:2024-03-28 02:05:35 阅读:47 点赞:0

关于”高铁带来便利“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Convenience bught by high-speed rail。以下是关于高铁带来便利xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Convenience bught by high-speed rail

Now, as a comr user, comr technolo is impving, and you can make pblems easier than before. Some people say that the comr is the grea creation in the world, it makes the difficulty very easy, while some seously say that the comr will be becse of people's dependence on the comr. I have no dou that the comr is the grea creation in the world, but the increasing dependence on the comr will reduce people's intelligence, if one day people live in the ng without comr In the envinment, they can't do anything to keep their own rules, but in any case, it is a fact that we can't live without comrs.

We can only hope that comr technolo will be and advanced and will nr disintegrate.




Now it is a very hot topic, becse many cities have opened high-speed railway, many people say that high-speed railway is much better than other means of transportation, and some people think that high-speed railway has no fute in my opinion, and high-speed railway has bught us real convenience. My reason is: the high-speed rail station is much closer to o living area, and like buses, it is much easier to transport goods. For example, a businesan in Shanghai wants to take a kilogram of goods to Sichuan.

If he goes to Sichuan by plane, he needs to go to the subbs, becse the airport is always in the subbs, and it costs a lot of money to check the goods. If he takes the train, he needs to go to the railway station far away fm home, and the train will take time. If he takes the bus, although it is convenient, it will not only cost a lot of money, but also wave It takes a lot of time.

The most important drawback of high-speed railway is that as the world's second most populous country, it needs a lot of passengers. The Chinese people have no presse, and China is dloping at a "high speed". Although high-speed railway costs a lot of money, I beli China can still do it.

I firmly beli that the fute of high-speed railway is brand-new.




Employees and customers are equally important. On the one hand, employees are the most important pperty of an enterpse. The success of an enterpse depends on the ability and efficiency of employees in their business positions.

Employees are related to the pcess, and of the succesul operation and gwth of the enterpse. Comrs and external consultants can take xiliary meases and may them. But the core of enterpse revolution is the enterpse On the one hand, they are responsible for innovation, on the other hand, they put forward new ideas.

On the other hand, they are the basis of the svival needs of enterpses and the media for the dlopment and pspety of enterpses. People often say that "customers are God". In short, we can see that employees and customers are in the same position, so they are equally important.



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