
发布时间:2024-02-26 11:58:07 阅读:69 点赞:0

关于”幸福生活“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:happy life。以下是关于幸福生活初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:happy life

There are different opinions on what happiness is. Some people think that it is the hst to be with family members and communicate with fends. Some people think that if you are optimistic about life and (if you) devote yoself to yo care, you will be happy.

Others beli that happiness means that you can always make new achiments in my opinion, and living safely is the hst.




We must not neglect the importance of having a happy life. What flashed in my mind was that fm my expeence when I was old, I could draw the conclusion that only when we obscene things can we reap the fruits of happiness in the near fute.




The quality of a happy life Henry Wharton noticed that he was born or suffered fm the happiness of disobeying the will of others, his armor was his honest thought, his stupid truth was his highest skill, his passion was not his , his soul was still ready to revive the world with pnce like love or vulgar breath, his life was free fm rumors, and his conscience was his firm The stng recluse, whose state is neither satiied by flatterers nor destyed by a great accuser, envies those who have nr understood the rules of the state, but the deepest wounds csed by them: whose God is better late and early than those who give to carefully chosen books or fends Is it important for people to spend the day? This man is freed fm humble hopes, revives himself or fears his deputy, though not becse of the land and nothing, but he is stupid: simply put, "their destruction does not make the accuser great," "who, in his old age and early death, prays for grace than gifts fm God".



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