
发布时间:2023-06-08 10:52:57 阅读:107 点赞:0

关于”上一代“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Previous generation。以下是关于上一代xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Previous generation

The Asian Games are held in South Korea. All the best athletes in Asia are fighting for this honor. Every day, we can see many wonderful competitions.

I like watching swimming s very much. Recently, the players swim very fast like fish. A boy named Ning zetao is so hot.

He won the men's ce and ce in the swimming competition, and he has bken the Asian record. He is very good now He is famous. Everyone calls him Asia's new flying fish.

We all know that Chinese athletes are not good at short distance swimming. But now we'd like to open a new chapter. He has pved that Chinese athletes can swim fast.

I beli that in the fute, we will do better.




We should balance o love. We should balance o love. We should balance o love.

Now it is common to see that many parents focus on their children, but iore their own parents. The most typical example is the empty nest elderly. This issue has attracted public attention and become a hot topic of discussion.

Paying no attention to the parents of the elderly will have seous consequences: first, if no children can talk to them, the elderly will often feel lonely and depressed, which will have adverse effects on their mental health. Elderly parents without children aund will have a lot of tuble in their daily life due to illness or old age. I think we should take the following meases to encoage children to live with or near their old parents.

This will not only them understand their parents' situation and participate in their daily life, but also them opportunities to communicate with their parents. In addition, the government should stve to establish a for the elderly and expand the coverage of social insance.





Fendship and love are indispensable acles in human social life, but they are both different and related. In life, fendship and love are different in status. First of all, love and fendship are o different emotions.

Fendship is open, open and comprehensive. This relationship has nothing to do with peace and dark color, but love comes second, fendship and love Fendship is the basis of trust, but it has not been excluded by the theoretical value. Maybe love is the basis, often entangled in fendship to love, not only have ideals, but also have interest.

Third, fendship is full of "understanding". No matter how deep fendship is, there is no desire for words and deeds. Love is spitual, it is a pfound and though collision.

Psychological emotional resonance is both sincere and sincere. Love and fendship have different moods. Fendship and love are enough Full of "lack of feeling", fendship and love mean the world of o people.

Therefore, when dealing with love and fendship relations, we should pay attention to: take seously, treat love with sincere fendship,.



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