
发布时间:2023-05-22 01:29:25 阅读:124 点赞:0

关于”将来会有更少人怎么成“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:How can there be fewer people in the fute。以下是关于将来会有更少人怎么成四级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How can there be fewer people in the fute

Six years have passed before I realize it. I've learned a lot in the past few years. I've been working hard and my grades are very good.

My Chinese and English are very good, but I have pblems in learning mathemati, I will impve my learning method, I should understand my parents, they give me too much love, I will try my best to do something for them as a retn, I want to become a useful person to the society.





You want to be a teacher. I think it is very useful to be a teacher. He can make the students happy and fendly to ryone.

I like children very much. If I am a teacher, I can play with the children ry day. We can imagine that it is very interesting to be a teacher.

I think that being a teacher must be willing to learn fm others and remember the ile in my heart as a teacher What we should do, ryone thinks it's hard to be a teacher, but ry pain has happiness. I want to be a good teacher in the fute. I don't think it's a dream for a good teacher.

I have to win.




People who are prepared will meet orically. Those who are not prepared do not have the opportunity becse it is only becse of the external communication that works. The opportunity inside is the decisive factor that pmotes success.

It only pvides favorable factors. The key is that success is the result of struggle (becse of the inner heart). It is impossible to achi without struggle.

Sral positions above the Arabian Night put forward what you are looking for Object, timely guide you to arrange you have a lot of missing parts, can be regarded as a gift, but you do not have the ability, one can not grasp, but a little skill, also need to see yo choice of object is like you or not only have the ability of people, ry miss has a love you heart, then you can choose the content partner, if the landlord is a woman, you might as well all My sister changed to a young man.



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