
发布时间:2022-12-09 13:44:11 阅读:103 点赞:0

关于”生可以参加“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Students can participate。以下是关于生可以参加四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Students can participate

Team work is very important in modern society. In order to know how to impve themselves, people should know how to cooperate with others. Some people think that sports waste time, which should be spent on study, while others think that physical exercise can impve their skills.

In my opinion, team sports is beneficial to students' fute career and life. First, team sports in schools can Enhance students' cooperation and sense of responsibility. For example, a university holds a team sports competition to win the competition.

It is difficult for each team to plan and practice in the competition. Each of them will learn how to cooperate and be responsible to their teammates. They will also pmote each other thugh teark.

Team sports are good for yo health. Now people pay and attention to health, and then do some exercise with others. The you exercise, the better you feel, and participating in team sports will make you look betiful and confident of success.

Students who do sports can get ener to do other things, such as learning to some extent, than those who nr exercise. Team sports and learning are complementary. But equally important is that team sports impve students' social skills.

The world of skills is dloping rapidly. Only when students practice teark skills in school can they handle complex things thugh team sports in the fute. You can know a lot of people and make fends.

Participating in team sports is a good choice to cultivate students' social ability and communication ability. Generally speaking, the sports colleges of the students who participate in the team activities will strenen the contact, which will contbute to the pgress of the students' fute career. Conclusion: the dlopment of gup sports is conducive to the cultivation of team spit, physical fitness, and social skills.

Therefore, team sports is useful in life and contbutes to the success of students' life.







Recently, o class held a class meeting to discuss whether we should participate in students' activities in school, including literate, science, culte, sports, etc. At the class meeting, some students said that they can choose what they like according to their interests. Some students think that this can ench their knowledge and make their spare time colorful.

They also realize that it can show their personality and build a bdge of communication beeen students. Howr, some students are against it and think that it will not their fute gwth. They think it may waste their time and ener and affect their study.

It is o spare time The stage for displaying talents is an important part of campus culte.




Nowadays, many universities encoage and orize students to participate in social practice activities ding the holidays. More and students choose to become volunteers. Social practice plays an increasingly important le in China's university education.

College students benefit greatly fm social practice and have opportunities to contact with the outside world. In addition, in social practice activities, students can use their knowledge to solve practical pblems So as to greatly impve the social practice skills. In addition, social practice s to enhance students' sense of social responsibility.

Consideng the above situation, I think it is necessary for college students to participate in social practice, but in practice, social practice will also bng some pblems, for example, some students spend too much time on part-time work and iore their study. Therefore, we should seek a balance beeen social practice and learning.




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