
发布时间:2023-12-02 15:04:04 阅读:56 点赞:0

关于”我与祖母故事“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My grandmother and I。以下是关于我与祖母故事初一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My grandmother and I

This is also a special day to commemorate the great man Lei Feng. This morning, I celebrated my birthday in different ways. I got up early in school to make breakfast for my parents.

After school, I ed my deskmate repair their bken chairs. I took my birthday cake to the nsing home. The old people were very happy to see me.

They hoped I could come back again. What a happy birthday.




My grandmother is now in her 70s. She doesn't feel well these days. Her legs ht this afternoon.

My dad and I took her to the hospital. The doctor examined her carefully, and he said that she was in good health, but as she grew older, people would suffer fm vaous diseases. He also said she would recover in the spng.

I know my grandmother has done a lot for o family. Now she is old, I will take care of her, and I will try my best to make her happy.





After 20 minutes, rything changed. Grandmother walked thugh the bathom and found a stream of water coming out of the door. She screamed ice - the first scream.

My grandmother quickly tned on the fcets of the bathtub. She was very angry and blocked the fcets in the bathtub. She waved her arms as if she was going to swim thugh the cwd.

Sral stng men finally dve her away and made her flat Calm down, although she was angry and angry for a long time, my grandfather took my hand and let me sit in the chair by the window. He was a kind man, full of wisdom and patience. He seldom raised his voice to anyone, nr argued with his wife, and nr disobeyed her wishes.

He looked at me ciously, not angry or upset at all. "Tell me," he asked, "why did you do this?" "Well, she yelled at me for nothing," I said seously. "Now she has something to yell at." my grandfather didn't speak.

He immediately sat there, looked at me, and said with a ile, "Ec, you're my rnge.".



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