
发布时间:2022-12-19 11:08:20 阅读:88 点赞:0

关于”一件感人事“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:A Touching Event 。以下是关于一件感人事初中英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A Touching Event

Everyone is attracted by bety. Bety is powerful, but what is true bety? Maybe you can get the answer fm the following story. On the way to the to buy vegetables with my parents and I this morning, we all highly praised a young man in Western-style clothes and shoes.

He de by, but he de too fast. He accidentally knocked down an old lady without stopping, He pretended not to see it and de off quickly. We are all very angry, young manto, o happiness, a girl in plain clothes immediately ran over, picked up the lady, took her home, we all praised the girl, fm which we know that we can't judge a person fm the appearance, a well-dressed person may not have a betiful soul, only a betiful soul is really betiful.




I still remember clearly that when the story happened, the tumn leaves fell on the gund and restored the lake. We used to swim like children and glitter in the sun. At that time, we were very happy.

I thought we were, but the fact is that you have been eager to leave me. In that precious night, you dare not tell me, looking at the lake, you said: "o story The rain is killing the last few days of summer. You've been killing my last breath of love, becse a long time ago, I still didn't think I could css another love story.

You took it away fm me. I knew I should have been the abandoned one, but I still looked at the lake, in a trance, I knew my life was coming to an end.




Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It's like you have to spend a long time to tn the ice water you have drunk into tears. It's graceful and sweet to think of you. But in my heart, there is a kind of warmth that can't be expressed in any language.

I know what you like best. I know what you think. I miss you.

You know, someone has been thinking about you and cang about you. Yo iling eyes are like stars In my heart ctain, listen to my heart beat, see how much I love you, when I miss you, I admit how much I love you, I hope you can receive yo passion, I left you with words http://wwwqinggencom/qinghua/ai/html.



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