
发布时间:2024-04-11 17:14:36 阅读:8 点赞:0

关于”有关爱情生小“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:About love。以下是关于有关爱情生小专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About love

There is still a long way to go. Chen Li is not happy about her graduation recently. She becomes and depressed.

She and her boyfend Jia Hao don't have a special story. They met them in the library. Both of them like to study and stay in the library.

They will go to the movies or take a walk in the street on weekends for three years. They have quietly passed by. They pmised to go to Beijing in the third grade Unfortunately, Chen Li failed bee of her poor English scores.

Jia Hao wanted Chen to go to Beijing with him to take the exam. Consideng the economic situation, Chen Li thinks that on the one hand, it will be better to stay on campus. On the other hand, the cost of living here is relatively low.

She is very familiar with the sunding envinment and can concentrate on her study at night. When she thinks of her lover going to Beijing, Chen Lisi is in tears Although Jia Hao repeatedly encoaged her to succeed in a second attempt to reunite in Beijing, he said for the last time that if she failed, would their love continue.




Three passions, but overwhelmingly stng, have governed my life: the longing for love, the psuit of knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffeng of . These passions, like the wind, have blown me hither and thither, over a sea of anguish, to the verge of despair in my search for love, first, bee it bngs etasy - etasy so great that I would often sacfice the rest of my life for a few hos of this joy that I seek; and secondly, bee it relis loneliness, in that terble loneliness, A shiveng consciousness looked at me fm the edge of the world, seeking its cold, bottomless, lifeless abyss. At last, bee in the union of love, I saw, in a mysteous miniate, the omen of heaven imagined by saints and poets.

This is what I psue. Although it seems too good for human life, this is what I finally found. I used the same heat Love seeks knowledge.

I want to know the heart of the people I have. I try to understand the power of Pythagoras. Numbers dominate the flu.

But not much. I have acquired love and knowledge. I try to lead them to heaven as much as possible.

But pity always bngs me back to the earth. The cry of pain echoes in my heart, the gry children, the victims of the oppressed, The less old people, the bden their sons hate, the loneliness, poverty and pain of the whole world, are all mockery of human life. I long to alleviate the evil, but I can't, I also bear it.

It's my life. I find it worth living, and I'll be happy to live me again if I have the chance.




My first love soon graduated fm high school. He was one year older than me. Until now, I still remember the first time we talked like that and looked at strangers, but he nr felt that you have seen this person later.

He told me that he felt the same when he looked at me standing in fnt of him.



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