
发布时间:2023-05-07 00:43:05 阅读:85 点赞:0

关于”写“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Wte mom。以下是关于写高三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte mom

Dear mother, today, I just want to tell you that I love you, n if I didn't say to you that you have done so much for me, I will always remember that, I will take care of you fm now on. Thank you for what you have done for me, for o family, I hope you will always be betiful, just like this moment I love you.




Mother, mother, what should we do? Mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother Mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother Mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother mother https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/png/0.




For the mother's feeling, a loving mother's hands of the thread for her wayward boy's body to make clothes, she carefully sewed, she thoughly mended, afraid to delay him fm all to big home late, mother like the sun, all the heat and light for me, I really did not feel the mother's hard work, so, let me wash my mother's feet feel the foot cracked, thick Rough, not in my imagination, I almost don't know that I wash my mother's feet. She looks cramped and hesitant. She always feels that enjoying is the most noble treatment, but in the eyes of happiness, she is cheated.

There is nothing precious than this. The allest effort we make is to make mom happy. What I usually do is too all.

I think I want to gw up, not longer The best way to make mom happy is to gw into a big tree and let mom rely on cool.



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