批改英语作文的app_Corrected app 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-22 03:41:38 阅读:146 点赞:0

关于”批改app“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Corrected app。以下是关于批改appxx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Corrected app

Now, we have a lot of apps on o artphones that us solve pblems in o daily life. Example: my fend's app is all-in-one.when I encounter some pblems, I always tend to be intelligent people seeking on Baidu direct. This is a very useful application.

In my spare time, I will also click on the logo on my mobile phone to see if there is any one I can use my limited knowledge to others. I'm really happy to share yo ideas and opinions with others. On the one hand, you others, on the other hand, it's a preview.




With the continuous dlopment of the Internet, the traditional learning mode is bound to be impacted, and many new learning modes have appeared. Neork learning is the most popular with its convenience and resoces. More than% of people spend their spare time on the Internet, while% of them want to get something.

This is not only a way to acquire knowledge to impve yoself, but also a way to slow down the pace of life. Zhou Yunqing, a sociologist at Wuhan University, explained that you have a bader learning platform and to decide when and what to learn. Compared with the traditional classom, it seems to be a shortcut to acquire knowledge, but there are also shortcomings.

The most obvious is that without face-to-face communication, efficiency can not be guaranteed, and young people are not mate enough to pay attention easily They are not concentrated, so their parents must supervise them as they study.




I think it is a kind of behavior that teachers don't respect personal pvacy when they ask students to change papers and grade others, such as age, concept and personality. Scores should also be personal things and should be respected. They have personal power to decide whether they want to let others know.

But sometimes teachers don't care or realize that this behavior may make students feel uncomfortable, for example, if one Some students can't wte a good article or have some strange ideas to wte. Other students also know that they may lgh at students with strange ideas. They may ht their feelings.

Next time, they may not study hard, or they may not like the cose any . That's why I say that they should be respected and ptected as pvate secrets.



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