介绍贵州的英语作文_Introduction to Guizhou 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-29 14:19:47 阅读:504 点赞:0

关于”介绍贵州“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Intduction to Guizhou。以下是关于介绍贵州中考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to Guizhou

My betiful home, where there are spng scenery, my hometown, green grass, flowers in full bloom, birds singing happily, sunded by continuous mountains, the mountains se and fall, as if a domesticated hen on the carpet, until the sky in the elet flowers bloom in the scattered mountains, attracting colorful butterflies in the depth of the mountain Row by w of terraces, as the name implies, is to make ce into a winding path, tning ce into a vaety of shapes, some like a crescent moon, some like boats, some like sickles in spng, when the seedlings gw, the fresh green adds a betiful color to the home.




How to ptect oneself is one of the most important skills of agers, but how do we ptect oselves? First of all, we should be careful when we make fends, especially on the Internet. Second, if we are in danger, we must call the police in time to , so that we can also maintain o own safety, we should eat healthy and safe. In addition, we should not cwd together when we go up and down the stairs in school.

Summer is coming. We must remember the danger of swimming alone. Everyone should learn how to ptect themselves and stay away fm danger.




It has been sn years since I first came into contact with English. Since then, these lovely little letters have bught joy and spse to my life. How did I learn English? Now let me show you my English learning methods are interesting and colorful.

There are fo points in learning English: listening, speaking, reading and wting. First of all, we should use English bravely Talk to others. Secondly, we can impve o listening and speaking ability; secondly, we should listen to vaous English pgrams as much as possible, so that we can gradually impve o pnunciation; thirdly, when we meet English, we should often read a new word in English books.

We should first guess its meaning thugh competition, and then look it up in the dictionary. Foth, we should practice wting skills if we have any ideas. We should wte it down with a pen ght away.

It is very important to avoid wting and using Chinese. As long as we listen , speak , read and wte , we will certainly make remarkable pgress. I suggest memozing words in phrases, sentences and paragraphs.

In context, words are easier to understand, so that you can the usage of each word. If a word often appears in an article, you can remember it later. After reading this article, if it doesn't, you can read the article again and again to remember it and expand it in this way Yo vocabulary is interesting.

This is not my way to learn English. My favote subject is English. I was very interested in learning English when I was young.

The most important thing is that when you learn English, you must listen to the teacher carefully. While listening to the news, I also listen to the English news fm VOA, B and international radio When my reading ability is not bad, I will wte down rything I hear so that I can learn some expressions and practice dictation. When I find my reading ability is not bad, I will start reading China Daily, China today, reader's digest and other English mateals.

These are my ways of learning English. I will do my best to learn English well.





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