
发布时间:2024-02-20 15:51:33 阅读:217 点赞:0

关于”改善友谊“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Impve fendship。以下是关于改善友谊xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Impve fendship

Fendship is relaxed. Loyal relationship includes intimacy, communication and empathy. Fendship is a kind of relief.

Fendship is a deep and relaxed relationship. Fendship is a deep-seated relationship. It combines trust, support, communication, loyalty, understanding, empathy and intimacy.

These are positive aspects. All of us are eager to live a life of trust and relaxation, which is the emphasis of fendship It's fun to remember that when you were young, you went to her grandmother's home with a fend for the weekend. It was fun, but when you came home, it was wonderful.

Yo feeling was, "I'm at home, I can relax now." that's fendship. It should be that you go out into the world and do yo best. You have yo ups and downs, yo pblems and victoes, yo fun and tbulations, yo charm and yo performance Then you come to "home" to a fend, you can relax, stand up and you're relid, if you still want to be charming and / or perform, it's not a relief, fendship is a comfortable envinment, like home, you go home, kick yo shoes, relax and sigh, "ah, home".




Fendship what is fendship? There is no eternal theme in literate, and fendship is indispensable in daily life. Fendship to o life is just like salt to you when you are happy. Fendship is like adding flowers on bcade when you are sad.

Fendship is a comfort. If you encounter difficulties, fends will sund you and remove obstacles for you. If you have a pblem, you can tn to yo fends for .

We ade the great fendship beeen Marx and Engels, which closely combined them and pushed them forward on the ad of explong and realizing communi. Fendship is not rything, but without it, no one can live happily.





There is an nt, athletes fm China and the United States, some players must pay attention to: we orize activities to pmote the fendship beeen the o countes, including singing and dancing performances, speech competitions and basketball s. Note: players must register for Thsday. I hope ryone can enjoy it.



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