关于校园欺凌的英语作文_Campus bullying 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-24 07:05:11 阅读:323 点赞:0

关于”校园欺凌“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Campus bullying。以下是关于校园欺凌托福英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Campus bullying

The campus anti bullying show "Btain's got talent" is very popular all over the world. It is an oginal pgram. Becse it is very popular, many talented people have found their own stage.

Its influence on other countes can not be iored. Last night, I saw a boy and his fends composing music. When the boy and his fends stood on the stage, he was very shy, he looked very shy Well, he told the dience that they would sing a song of his own creation.

The judges were looking forward to heang the boy's song. The dience felt the miserable days of his childhood. He was bullied by senior students.

Some of his fends sang "to hope". The judges were very moved. They spoke highly of this important song.

There are always some big people trying to contl the situation, so he We bully others, this behavior has been condemned by the public, playing the bad guys is always soft hearted people, campus anti bullying movement needs ryone to care about each other.




"Campus violence" is a popular word in schools in recent years. Campus violence has a great impact on us. Now many of us have been bullied by campus violence.

Resisting campus violence is something ryone in the school should do. Teachers should have a sense of responsibility, carefully find out what happens to students, timely educate and ptect them, we should have a sense of justice, but also have the heart to fight against evil, do not be afraid, it is like a spng, you weak it will be stng, you stng it will be weak.




Boycott School Video school is not only a place where we can learn, but also a all society. "School video" is a popular word in schools in recent years. School video has a lot of influence on us.

Now many of us have been bullied. Therefore, boycotting school video is what ryone in school should do. Teachers should have a sense of responsibility and find out carefully What happens to students, we should educate and ptect them in time.

We should have a sense of justice and a heart to fight against evil. Don't be afraid. It is like a spng.

If you are weak, it will be stng. If you are stng, it will think that if we unite to fight against evil, the school will bng peace and harmony again.



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