写老师的英语作文_Write teacher 3篇

发布时间:2022-06-16 00:18:58 阅读:140 点赞:0

关于”写老师“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Wte teacher。以下是关于写老师四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte teacher

Mr. Li is my favote teacher. He is tall and haggard.

He wears glasses. He dresses neatly ry day. He is very stct, not all the students like him, but I will nr forget how he ed me when I was trying to learn English.

He pushed me mercilessly and told me that he could do it. He was very demanding and enlightening. Finally, we succeeded.

I am a much better student and I owe him a lot.




Instruction D: for this part, you have a few minutes to wte a letter expressing yo gratitude to one of yo teachers. In college, you should wte at least a few words, but not than words. Dear sir, I am wting to you to express my gratitude for yo in learning English.

You are one of the best teachers I have r met. I have many advantages to learn fm you. In yo class, I learned a lot fm you, which ed me a lot.

First of all, you let me know, as an English learner, what is the western mode of thinking, and it is important for me to understand the differences beeen them. It is undeniable that it can me to take exams and communicate with foreiers. What's , I'm very happy to be yo student.

I'm glad that learning English under yo guidance is an important tool. Thugh it, we can chesh the opportunity of learning English with me and enjoy the happiness bught by yo cose. Finally, please forgive me for my mistakes, which may upset you.

What I learned fm you will me pass the coming exam and me to continue my fther study abad. This is not only a kind of pgress in learning, but also a kind of pgress to cultivate my ability. I hope rything goes well with you, yo student Li Ling.






"My favote teacher my favote teacher is my English teacher. She is a kind woman. She is very stct with o students.

She can make her English lively and interesting and us overcome difficulties. She is an easy-going teacher. We get along well with the herald who loves her students.

She is o very lucky good fend. When we meet such a good teacher, we will always remember her.



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