介绍名人的英语作文_Introduce celebrities 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-09 03:04:52 阅读:129 点赞:0

关于”介绍名人“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Intduce celebties。以下是关于介绍名人考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce celebties

Conius, a thinker and educator in the spng and Autumn peod and the founder of Coniani, collected a large part of ancient Chinese culte. Before his death, Conius was known as "holy day," one of the learned figes in the society, and later known as Kong Conius and Coniani had a pfound impact on China, the Korean Peninsula, Japan, Vietnam and other regions, which was known as the 5adebaf of Conian culte——.




Albert Einstein is a theoretical physicist, he is the creator of special relativity and general relativity. In addition, he also made great contbutions to quantum theory and statistical mechani, and was famous for his theory of relativity. He was awarded the Nobel Pze in physi for his explanation of photoelectc effect.

Becse of his many contbutions, Einstein is widely regarded as one of the grea physicists in history. The name of Einstein has become the pnoun of great wisdom, genius Martin· Luther King was a black man living in the black chch. In the s, the black man born in Martin Luther King was regarded as a bad man.

He had a dream to change his own destiny. He gave many speeches on black ghts and pposed new laws. Obviously, not only his law, but also his bravery has been remembered by Amecans.

He is a he country of the United States. I beli that 500 years ago, life in China was very difficult and most people were poor. At this time, a great leader of China was born.

Conius was born in a noble family, but his parents were very poor. His father was three years old in Conius The boy was a very good and obedient son to his mother. He was quiet, considerate and studious since he was young.

When Conius looked at the people nd him, he became very eager to them. Finally, he left home and be the honesty and kindness of his students. In memory of their parents, he tght them that a good man would nr make himself angry.

A lot of his savings have come together, and one of his famous savings is "don't do what you don't want others to do to you." over the years, he has traveled all over the pvinces, spreading his ideas to all who want to listen to him.






Lao She is my favote wter. He was born in the third year of mytholo. He died in Beijing.

He has many famous works. Many people like to read his novels. He is one of the most famous wters in China.

I hope I can become a mythological wter in the fute.



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