
发布时间:2023-04-24 01:49:42 阅读:327 点赞:0

关于”式“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Chinese style。以下是关于式四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Chinese style

Teach you a lesson. We are o, who are you, who are you, how old you are, how old you are, what kind of bird you have, and what kind of color you have. I will give you some color to see if the bthers are together.

Hello, ryone, if you have something to say, if you have nothing to say, go home, you, me, you and me, you stop and know if you do not know if the sister is born. Go to o cars, peneng people are determined to spend the past. There are no mistakes in the past.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for three. Why are you sorry? I'm sorry for five.

If you want money, I don't have one. If you want life, I have a boss Li. This year you have o sons.

You die. I give you face. You don't want face.

You lose yo face. I tn my face. There are no three people without fo people , I haven't seen the three wires in the morning for fo nights.

Now I'm living a life or a life. I have ten eggs and three cents. I don't care about three or sn or enty.

Before playing a badsword, Luban is a bther and who is who before he plays the ax. Well, he asked me to teach you a lesson..




Teach you a lesson. What are we o? Who are you? How old are you? You don't bird me. I don't bird you.

You have seed. I'll give you some color to see. Bthers, Hello, ryone.

What if you have something to say, then say that if you have nothing to say, go home, you, me, you and me, you stop for me, know that you do not know if you do not know to see yo sister. Dragon born , chicken born chicken, mouse can make hole. There are not enough Chinese Amecans.

One car comes, one car goes, o cars Pumbaa, people die. be wild with joy. There is no mistake in the past.

Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. If you want money, I don't have the life you want, I have one. My name is Tony Lee.

You have o Heirs:.







Today, since we went to school, learning English has become an important part of o life. We study English almost ry day, but it seems that this is a very common phenomenon. Even though we have been learning English, most people are difficult to speak in English.

The reasons are: first, when most people learn English, they tend to focus on grammar In terms of structe and reading ability, most students learn English only to get high marks and pass exams, such as college English . If they pass the exam, some students can go to a better university, others can get a high paying job. Second, most people feel shy and afraid of mistakes, so they choose not to speak English It is not good for them in the long run.

When a person practices speaking English less, he will get worse and will not be impved. The ppose of learning English is to let people communicate and understand each other, so don't be mean to yoself. Fm the above example, don't be afraid of mistakes.

We should be confident, put down the bden, speak English, and don't be afraid of yo China English.



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