
发布时间:2023-01-10 13:14:30 阅读:115 点赞:0

关于”我是谁“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Who am I?。以下是关于我是谁初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Who am I?

This is the final exam for the local college's intductory English cose, like many of these Freshmen's coses, and its aim is to exclude freshmen fm the class who spass them. The lasted o hos and bches were pvided. The pfessor was very stct and told the class that any not on his desk would not be accepted within o hos, and after half an ho of the , a student rushed in and asked the pfessor for an examination pamphlet.

"You won't have time to finish this," the pfessor said sarcastically. He handed the students a pamphlet "yes, I will." The student replied, and then he sat down and be to work. Two hos later, the pfessor of wting asked for an examination.

The students lined up and handed in their papers, except for the late students who were still wting an ho and a half later. The last student walked up to the pfessor who was sitting at his desk prepang for the next class. He ted to put his on a pile of bches that were already there.

"Without you," "I don't accept it. It's late." the student looked incredulous and angry, "do you know who I am." "no, actually I don't know," the pfessor replied sarcastically, "are you se you don't know who I am Is it? " The student asked again, "no, I don't care." the pfessor replied with a sense of supeoty that "good." the student replied that he quickly picked up a stack of completed examinations, stuffed his own papers in the middle, and then walked out of the om.





I know who God is. The boy said to her mother, "Mom, is God a man or a woman?" The mother thought for a while and said, "OK, son, God is a man and a woman." the son was confused, so he asked, "is God black or white?" the mother replied, "God is black and white, dear." the son was still cious. After a while, the mother who said, "is God or heteual, mom?" got a little wored and replied, "son God is , and his son is straightforward.

When he thinks he has finally answered his question, his face lights up: "is God Michael Jackson?".




Children's care what we care about today is children. No, people today don't really care about children becse we're pushed and pushed by s, and children are abused at home by s. O children go into the store by themselves, we're dven out, or we're followed nd the store.

The owner thinks we'll steal goods fm the shelves without paying. The owner has to Install sveillance cameras and inventory pces, becse we're stealing fm them. They'll install sveillance cameras to monitor o location and activities in the store.

They n track us to see what we're doing. If the cameras can't see us, their behavior is like putting new stock on the shelf. If we have bags on o backs, the owners sometimes ask for them You open yo bag so that they can see if you have anything that shows that they don't trust.

According to the U.S. svey, one in six children today are seously injed at home. Only some parents admit that they have beaten their children there.

Those who have been ht are afraid to tell others about it. Research shows that some parents hold their children's heads in the water, Others po hot water on them, some mothers admit they pinched them, some parents ask them to wash their mouths with salt and / or soap, and if they refuse to have dinner there, they are forced to eat mustard sandwiches. Recent sveys have shown that mothers are likely to spank their children than fathers, n when the children are taking care of them together.

In one svey, on average, half of the children said their parents were ght to slap them.



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